Director-General for Department of Primary Industries named

Minister for Primary Industries, Ian Macdonald, and Minister for Mineral Resources, Kerry Hickey, today said that Barry Buffier has been named Director General of the new Department of Primary Industries (DPI).

Mr Buffier will take-up the position effective 1 July 2004.

The Ministers also said the head office of the DPI will be based in Orange.

"These are important steps in the process of creating the new Department of Primary Industries," Mr Macdonald said.

"Barry Buffier has a proven track-record in agribusiness and finance, both in the private and public sectors.

"He has served on several national and state bodies, including the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, the National Rural Advisory Committee, and as chairman of the NSW Poultry Meat Industry Committee.

"Mr Buffier will be resigning from all current posts that may have the potential to give rise to any conflict of interest with his new position.

"Having been born and raised in the Hunter Valley - the driving force of the coal industry in NSW - Mr Buffier has also seen first hand the powerful influence Mineral Resources has on the regional and State economy.

"Mr Buffier will work with the interim board - which consists of the director generals of NSW Agriculture, Fisheries, State Forests and Mineral Resources - to see the integration process through."

Mr Macdonald also said that having the head office of the DPI in Orange means the Government will continue to build on a very strong presence in the central west.

"This will further solidify the region's importance as a key regional business centre," Minister Macdonald added.

"The DPI will also have a strong representation in other key areas across NSW, including Maitland."

"Mineral Resources' move to Maitland is progressing on time and on budget, bringing 200 jobs into the Hunter," Minister Hickey said.

"Consultation with stakeholders and unions will be very important during this process, and we will work hard to ensure dialogue is maintained during this transition phase."

According to Minister Macdonald, creating the Department of Primary Industries will give rural areas a much stronger voice in State Government than ever before.

"The DPI presents an opportunity to inject a new sense of energy and focus into our important primary production areas.

"The integration will help us achieve real savings. At the same time, we will continue to make front-line services a key priority.

"We realise there will be a degree of uncertainty until the DPI structure is clearly identified.

"Measures announced today will help ease some concerns. They also show that the Government is committed to implementing necessary changes as soon as possible."

The Department of Primary Industries will be the result of integrating the departments of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forests, and Minerals Resources. It will come into effect 1 July, 2004.