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What does Fisheries do?

Recent News and Upcoming Events

Gone Fishing Day 2021

We host Gone Fishing Day teaching about fishing and having fun.

Shark Listening Stations

Learn about our Shark Listening Stations

PS Shellfish Reef Restoration Project

Naming Ceremony for new Port Stephens Shellfish Reef Restoration Project - 22 June 2022

Community events and engagement

Key industry visits

PSFI  supports and hosts various specialised visits for key industry groups and producers.

Come Fish with  UsGone Fishing

Looking to get into fishing but don’t know how to get started? Then join us at one of our many FREE Fish with us activities such as Fishing Workshops and Try Fishing Sessions that will teach you all the basics needed to fish for today and tomorrow. For more info go to  :  Come Fish with Us

Gone Fishing Day

Gone Fishing Day is an annual event held across NSW. It is run in collaboration with the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation. Check out www.gonefishingday.com.au for more chances to win prizes.

Fishcare Volunteers

The Fishcare program is one of the most successful volunteer programs in NSW and is central to the success of many of our recreational fishing education programs. If you have a passion for fish and fishing and you'd like to help protect our aquatic habitat, why not think about becoming a Fishcare Volunteer? For more infor go to: Fishcare  Volunteers

School and tertiary student engagement 

School Excursions and Student Engagement

The PSFI supports school education events in coordination with the department's Education Team. For more information regarding co-ordination and planning of schools visits contact the Education Team and teaching resources.

PSFI is ideal site for supporting general STEM related curriculum activities and secondary curriculum programs. Some key resources related to programs at PSFI include:

- SharkSmart Education Resources

We have created  a series of primary and secondary education resources around shark education here

- Threatened Marine Species

We have units for Years 5-6 for  features on threatened species including marine grasses here

-The Yabby Unit

Aligned to the NSW Technology Mandatory syllabus, these resources investigate Australian freshwater crayfish production. The unit includes two major aquaponics design option here

- Get Hooked.. its fun to fish

Join the thousands of school students in NSW who have been part of our free and fun NSW Schools Program! Our program will introduce students to all things fishy, when your school registers to the NSW DPI's FREE Get Hooked... It's Fun to Fish program designed for school students from Stage 2 in NSW, including High School students. For more go to : Get Hooked

- Port Stephens Marine Park - School Education Kit

The PSFI is surrounded by the Port Stephens Great Lakes Marine Park.  An education kit and modules have been developed for this for the primary school curriculum. for more info :  Port Stephens Marine Park Education

Contact us


Research Road via Taylors Beach Road , Taylors Beach, NSW, 2316
Postal address:

Port Stephens Fisheries Institute
Locked Bag 1,  Nelson Bay NSW, 2316


Phone: (02) 4916 3900

International: +61 2 4916 3900

Email: port.stephens.office@industry.nsw.gov.au

Fax: (02) 4982 1107