A NSW Government website

DPI Data Finder

Data Sets and Portal

We have a variety of data sets accessible to the public. Other department datasets are hosted on NSW or national research portals.

Our main data catalogue is the Information Asset Register (IAR) that maintains the details of department data assets including metadata.

IAR access

  • IAR is open to public for browsing and to discover the datasets available within the department
  • Only department staff have access to create/edit entries in IAR
  • If you are department staff and need  edit access please reach out to admin@iar.dpi.nsw.gov.au.

With IAR department staff can:

  • Search and discover information assets using keywords and spatial information
  • Export the metadata of the existing data assets in different formats
  • Create metadata
  • Prepare a data quality statement

IAR user help guides

Use the Quick Reference Guides and IAR Complete Help Guide to assist with navigating the IAR.


For any suggestions or issues please email admin@iar.dpi.nsw.gov.au

Please note IAR is slowly developing into a complete repository for department datasets, for now if you are not able to find any dataset details in IAR, you can please refer to the portals below as well.

Explore the department IAR: https://data.iar.dpi.nsw.gov.au/

The IAR is new and does not include all data available within the department.

If you cannot find something in your search, please also examine our other associated data portals noted below:

Other Useful Public Data Portals and Databases connecting to statistical and research data sets.


NSW Data NSW - Multiple data from agencies from transport to health, education, bushfire, industry, and agricultural land data

Home | Data.NSW 
NSW Economic Data The NSW economic dashboard | NSW Treasury 
Industry Data Performance Data & Insights (nsw.gov.au) 
Regional NSW DataRegional Data Hub | Regional Data Hub  
NSW Biodiversity- Bionet Atlas Data collections | NSW Environment and Heritage  
NSW Satellite SpatialCORSnet-NSW - Spatial Services 
Restricted Access Species DataRASD Framework  
Australian Research Data CommonsARDC | Australian Research Data Commons 
Research Data Australia - UniversityResearch Data Australia 
CSIRO Data Portal CSIRO Data Access Portal  
Atlas of Living Australia - BiodiversityAtlas of Living Australia – Open access to Australia’s biodiversity data (ala.org.au)  
NSW Spatial Mapping NSW - NSW Planning boundaries and controls eg biodiversityNSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer 
NSW Soils - Soil landscape, profiles and soil features

eSPADE v2.2 (nsw.gov.au)

NSW Water Storage Information WaterInsights - WaterNSW 

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