A NSW Government website

Animal Ethics Infolink
A NSW DPIRD and Animal Research Review Panel initiative

Teaching artificial insemination and pregnancy testing in cattle

1.0 Introduction

The Animal Research Act 1985 and Regulation 2005 control the use of animals in teaching, People organising schools to teach others techniques, such as pregnancy testing and artificial insemination in cattle, therefore must:

  • hold an Animal Research Authority
  • be approved by an Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) for each technique where they intend to use animals.
  • comply with their AEC approval, the legislation and the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes.

These guidelines have been written for AECs considering applications for the teaching of artificial insemination and pregnancy testing of cattle.

2.0 Artificial Insemination Schools


To teach participants how to place diluted semen in the most appropriate part of the female's genital organs to maximise subsequent conception.

Alternatives to animal use for teaching

Students must receive prior instruction on the anatomy and physiology of the area (slides and videos may be appropriate). The technique must be practised on abattoir specimens and/or an 'artificial cow' prior to use of live animals.

Details of procedure

There should be at least one instructor per ten students.

Cows must be individually identified by ear tag or freeze brand prior to use in a school.

They should be pregnancy tested prior to the commencement of instruction; only non-pregnant cows should be used.

Only mature cows with current leptospira vaccination may be used. Animals under 15 months of age or undersized animals should not be used.

Only cows of quiet temperament should be used for instruction. They must be restrained to prevent lateral or forward movement, preferably in a head bail with a vet gate.

If the Enzootic Bovine Leucosis (EBL) or Pestivirus status of the cattle in use has not been established or is positive, a new glove should be used with each cow to avoid the possible transmission of diseases per rectum. Equipment should be disinfected or a new sleeve used between each cow.

Only recommended test guns or insemination guns with sleeves should be used.

Cows showing vaginal discharge (other than oestrus discharge) should not be used. The oestrous status of cows used for instruction should not be significant. Easier penetration of the cervix in oestrous cows is very transient and would not justify the use of oestrus synchronisation. The disadvantage of the use of oestrous cows is that oestrus synchronisation will be required prior to the course, with associated extra yarding and handling. Oestrous cows will show mounting behaviour in confined areas, causing additional stress.

Drugs, chemicals and biological agents

As a general practice, no drugs are required.

Obstetrical lubricant or similar product should be used to provide lubrication.

Impact of the procedure on the wellbeing of animal(s):

Repeated and/or inexpert practice of the procedure may result in severe straining, ballooning of the rectum, bleeding or thickening of the rectum. Thickening is less likely to occur in animals accustomed to rectal palpation.

(To reduce the impact of the procedure (viz. the possibility of trainees scratching the rectal mucosa of the cows being used), the trainees should be asked to have fingernails cut short, jewellery removed and to wear gloves with seams inside-out so that the seams are on the inside.)

Reuse and repeated use

There should be a maximum of 2 inseminations per cow if used in the first 'hands-on' session. Cows used in subsequent sessions may have a maximum of 4 inseminations.

Appropriate marking (using a proprietary stock marker) should be applied to each animal before insemination to identify each insemination.

Cows may be used in one session per day and may be used on a second day after an overnight rest. They may be used for a maximum on 2 days in any one school. Reuse should only occur after assessment of the cow by a veterinarian or a qualified instructor.

Cows not showing rectal thickening may be used at fortnightly intervals unless removed for some other reason. Cows which show evidence of thickening of the rectal wall should be withdrawn immediately and not used for a period of one month, after which reuse should only occur after assessment of the cow by the veterinarian or a qualified instructor.

Permanent herds maintained for teaching purposes must be inspected by an independent veterinarian every three months.

Care of animal(s) during/after procedure:

1. During the school

Cows showing any sign of stress during a school must be removed from the school.

Any cow showing vaginal bleeding or more than slight rectal bleeding, should be withdrawn immediately and not used until veterinary clearance has been given. Use of cows must be discontinued if they show frank blood, severe straining or ballooning of rectum.

2. After the school

Cows should be checked twice daily for the first two days after a school and once daily for a further 5 days. Records must be kept for individual cows of the incidence of discharge, other abnormal event or behaviour, or any treatment administered.

An autopsy must be performed on any cow that dies unexpectedly following a school and the supervising AEC informed of the results as soon as practicable.

Pain relief measures:

Normally, none required.

Qualifications, experience, skills necessary to perform this procedure

Demonstrator: Instruction in insemination technique will only be provided by a suitably qualified veterinarian or instructor approved by an AEC.

Students: Experience in cattle handling. Familiarity with anatomy/physiology, competence using abattoir specimens and artificial cow.

Annual reporting

An Annual Report is to be submitted to the supervising AEC which should list for each school held, the number of animals used, the number of students participating, the number of instructors and any problems encountered including injuries to animals.

3.0 Pregnancy Testing Schools


The teaching of detection of pregnancy by use of manual palpation per rectum.

Alternatives to animal use

Students must receive prior instruction on the anatomy and physiology of the area (slides and videos may be appropriate). The technique must be practised on abattoir specimens and/or an 'artificial cow' prior to use of live animals.

Details of procedure

There should be at least one instructor per ten students.

Cows must be individually identified by ear tag or freeze brand prior to use in a school.

Only mature cows with current leptospira vaccination should be used.

Only cows of quiet temperament should be used for instruction. Cows must be restrained to prevent lateral or forward movement, preferably in a head bail with a vet gate.

If the EBL or Pestivirus status of the cattle in use has not been established or is positive, a new glove should be used with each cow to avoid the possible transmission of diseases per rectum.

Cows showing vaginal discharge (other than oestrus discharge) should not be used.

Drugs, chemicals or biological agents

Obstetrical lubricant or similar product should be used to provide lubrication.

Impact of procedure on wellbeing of animal(s)

Repeated and/or inexpert practice of the procedure may result in severe straining, ballooning of the rectum, bleeding or thickening of the rectum. Thickening is less likely to occur in animals accustomed to rectal palpation.

Reuse and repeated use

There should be a maximum 5 examinations per animal (3 preferred) if used in the first 'hands-on' session. Cows used in subsequent sessions may have a maximum of 8 examinations (6 preferred). Appropriate marking (using a proprietary stock marker) should be applied to each animal before examination to identify each examination.

Cows may be used in one session per day and may be used on a second day after an overnight rest. They may be used for a maximum on 2 days in any one school. Reuse should only occur after assessment of the cow by a veterinarian or a qualified instructor.

Cows not showing rectal thickening may be used at fortnightly intervals unless removed for some other reason. Cows which show evidence of thickening of the rectal wall should be withdrawn immediately and not used for a period of one month, after which reuse should only occur after assessment of the cow by the veterinarian or a qualified instructor.

Permanent herds maintained for teaching purposes must be inspected by an independent veterinarian every three months.

Care of animal(s) during/after procedure

1. During the school

Cows showing any sign of stress during a school must be removed from the school.

Any cow showing more than slight rectal bleeding, should be withdrawn immediately and not used until veterinary clearance has been given. Use of cows must be discontinued if they show frank blood, severe straining or ballooning of rectum.

2. After the school

Cows should be checked twice daily for the first two days after a school and once daily for a further 5 days. Records must be kept for individual cows of the incidence of discharge, other abnormal event or behaviour, or any treatment administered.

An autopsy must be performed on any cow that dies unexpectedly following a school and the supervising AEC informed of the results as soon as practicable.

Pain relief measures

Normally, none required.

Qualifications, experience skills or training necessary to perform this procedure

Demonstrators: Veterinarian with appropriate experience or instructor approved by an AEC.

Students: Experience in cattle handling. Familiarity with anatomy/physiology, competence using abattoir specimens and artificial cow.

Annual reporting

An Annual Report is to be submitted to the supervising AEC which should list for each school, the number of animals used, the number of students participating, the number of instructors and any problems encountered including injuries to animals.

Animal Research Review Panel Guideline 8