A NSW Government website

Animal Ethics Infolink
A NSW DPIRD and Animal Research Review Panel initiative

2011 Meeting for members of Animal Ethics Committees

A seminar for members of Animal Ethics Committees and AEC Executive Officers was held on 28 April 2011 at the Australian Catholic University, North Sydney campus. The University once again kindly donated its facilities for the seminar.

The programme for the day was full and diverse, with presentations and discussions on Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) annual reports, electronic meetings & systems in use by AECs and an update on the development of an education package for animal researchers.

A major section of the day was be devoted to discussions on weighing ethical decisions against the benefits of research. Breakout sessions on this topic provided the opportunity for interaction amongst attendees.

Some informative presentations on animal behaviour were also given, including the research of Professor Chris Evans and Dr K-lynn Smith on poultry behaviour and Dr David Slip on marine mammal training and behaviour. Ms Donnalee Taylor also shared the findings of her research on the behaviour of sheep.

A copy of the programme along with presentations from the day and a summary of evaluation comments from attendees are available for download below.