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Animal Ethics Infolink
A NSW DPIRD and Animal Research Review Panel initiative

2023 Webinar series

The Animal Research Review Panel (ARRP), in partnership with NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) hosted three webinars in 2023 to help educate and continue to raise awareness of the welfare of animals used in research.

Webinar 1 – ‘The 3Rs of Animal Research – replacement, reduction and refinement’

6 June 2023

Following on from the success of their 2022 webinar series, the Animal Research Review Panel (ARRP) in partnership with the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI), recently hosted a webinar on new approaches to replacement, refinement and reduction in animal research.

This online event attracted Animal Ethics Committee members, research animal carers, researchers, animal science students, veterinarians and community members who wanted to learn about:

  • Replacement of animals with other methods
  • ways to Reduce the number of animals used, and
  • Refinement of techniques used to minimise the adverse impact on animals

The webinar featured presentations from Associate Professor Brett Lidbury from the Australian National University, Associate Professor John House from The University of Sydney and Dr Shari Cohen from The University of Melbourne.

Resources from the event are available through the links below:

Webinar 2 – ‘Housing and Enrichment for animals in research settings’

22 August 2023

Webinar 2 in the Animal Research Review Panel (ARRP) and NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) webinar series for 2023, focused on ‘Housing and Enrichment for animals in research settings’.

When animals are involved in research or teaching activities, ensuring that they are given the best possible standard of care is fundamental to achieving animal welfare goals. Appropriate housing and enrichment promotes species-typical behaviours, enhances the overall well-being of animals, and supports quality research and education outcomes

The webinar had three presenters:

  • Dr Findy Wills – Veterinarian and clinical animal behaviourist, Consultant to RSPCA NSW speaking on “Housing and Enrichment as Tools for the Emotional Management of Dogs Housed in Research Facilities.”
  • Adjunct Professor Joanna Makowska – of the Animal Welfare Program at University of British Columbia, Canada speaking on “The benefits of more naturalistic housing for rodents in research” .
  • Dr Chloe Stevens – Senior Scientific Officer for Refinement in the Animals in Science Department, RSPCA UK speaking on “The benefits of enrichment for laboratory zebrafish”.

Resources from the webinar are available through the links below:

View the Housing and Enrichment Q&A document (PDF, 240.2 KB)

Webinar 3 – 'Ethical Decision Making relating to teaching and wildlife studies'

14 November 2023

Webinar 3 in the Animal Research Review Panel (ARRP) and NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) webinar series for 2023, focused on ‘Ethical Decision Making relating to teaching and wildlife studies’.

In NSW, the welfare of animals used for animal research is protected by the Animal Research Act 1985. The Act covers the use of animals for a range of purposes including their use in research, teaching, field trials, diagnosis of disease, production of biological products and environmental studies. ‘Animals’ include all live non-human vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) and includes laboratory animals, farm livestock and wildlife. Wildlife surveys are considered as animal research and are therefore subject to the provisions of this legislation. The legislation also requires that the conduct of animal research must be consistent with the provisions of the Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes.

During the webinar we heard from three presenters:

  • Dr Peter Fleming - Senior Principal Research Scientist, NSW Department of Primary Industries
  • Dr Anne Quain - Senior Lecturer, Sydney School of Veterinary Science
  • Assoc Professor Michelle Campbell - Wildlife and Avian Medicine, University of Sydney

Resources from the webinar are available through the links below:

View the Q&A document (PDF, 276.82 KB) for the webinar on Ethical Decision Making relating to teaching an wildlife

The ARRP and NSW DPI hope you have enjoyed the ARRP webinar series for 2023 and hope you will continue to join us for further webinars planned for 2024. Details on the 2024 webinars will be provided closer to the date of the events.