Replacement, Reduction and Refinement (3 Rs)
In 1959 Russell and Burch published “The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique”. The principle outlined at the opening of the book is that “….the humanest possible treatment of experimental animals, far from being an obstacle, is actually a prerequisite for successful animal experiments.”
The authors proposed the principles of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement, now commonly referred to as the 3Rs.
The principles of the 3Rs are accepted internationally and provide a framework for ethical decision making in the use of animals in research and teaching.
- National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (UK)
- Norecopa (Norway): National consensus platform for advancement of the 3Rs
- Russell and Burch: The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique
Replacement, the first of the 3Rs, is the use of methods that replace or avoid the use of animals in research and teaching.
The Australian Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes states:
1.18 Methods that replace or partially replace the use of animals must be investigated, considered and, where applicable, implemented.
1.19 Before the use of animals is considered, all existing information relevant to the proposed aim(s), including existing databases, must be examined. Replacement techniques that must be considered include the use of epidemiological data; physical and chemical analysis; computer, mathematical and inanimate synthetic models; simulations; in vitro systems; non-sentient organisms; cadavers; and clinical cases.
1.20 Opportunities to replace the use of animals must be kept under review during the lifetime of a project. Where relevant and applicable, the outcome of this review must be implemented in current projects and taken into account in planning future projects.
- Medical Advances Without Animals Trust (MAWA)
- Fund for Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME)
- John Hopkins University Centre for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT)
- NORINA (A Norwegian Inventory of Alternatives)
- National Toxicology Program (USA): Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM)
- National Library of Medicine (USA): Search engine for alternatives
- International Network for Humane Education
Reduction, the second of the 3Rs, is the use of methods to minimise the number of animals used. This includes obtaining comparable information from the use of fewer animals and obtaining more information from the same number of animals.
The Australian Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes states:
1.21 The number of animals used in a project must be the minimum necessary to achieve the proposed aim(s) and to satisfy good statistical design. The use of too few animals may invalidate the experimental result and result in wastage of animals.
1.22 The number of animals used may be reduced by the appropriate reuse of individual animals. The benefits of reusing animals must be balanced against any adverse effects on their wellbeing, taking into account the lifetime experience of the individual animal. Reuse of animals requires particular justification and specific AEC approval.
1.23 Activities involving the use of animals must not be repeated within a project or between projects unless such repetition is essential for the purpose or design of the project (e.g. sound experimental design, statistical analysis, corroboration by the same or another investigator).
1.24 Reducing the number of animals used should not result in greater harm, including pain and distress, to the animals used.
1.25 All possible steps must be taken to reduce factors that are not part of the experimental design of the project and are known to contribute to variability of experimental results, including the use of animals of known genetic, biological and behavioural background. Reduction of experimental variables may result in reduced animal use.
1.26 Where practicable, tissue and other biological material from animals being killed must be shared among investigators or deposited in a tissue bank for subsequent distribution.
1.27 Breeding of animals must be managed to avoid or minimise the production of excess animals. A new line of animal should not be generated if a similar suitable animal line is available to the investigator. When a new animal line is generated, the colony should be made available as a source for other investigators, as appropriate.
Refinement, the third of the 3Rs, is the use of methods that alleviate or minimise potential pain and distress and enhance animal welfare. It applies to all aspects of animal care and use, from housing and husbandry to research and teaching procedures.
The Australian Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes states:
1.28 Steps must be taken at all times to support and safeguard animal wellbeing. The effectiveness of strategies for supporting and safeguarding animal wellbeing must be kept under review during the lifetime of activities, including projects. Where relevant and applicable, the outcome of this review must be implemented in current activities and taken into account in planning future activities, including projects.
1.29 People who care for and use animals must ensure that procedures are performed competently, and
- be competent for the procedure they perform, or
- be under the direct supervision of a person who is competent to perform the procedure.
1.30 The duration of activities must be no longer than required to meet the aim(s) of the project, and must be compatible with supporting and safeguarding animal wellbeing. Animals must not be held for prolonged periods as part of an approved project before their use, without AEC approval.
Last updated May 2020.