A NSW Government website

Freshwater Fish Stocking EIS and FMS

Freshwater Fish Stocking Fishery management strategy (FMS)


Prepare a fish stocking fishery management strategy and environmental impact assessment.


The activity of fish stocking is undertaken in many water storage impoundments and rivers throughout the State at a rate of around 7 million fish per annum. Stocking is primarily of native species including golden perch, silver perch, Murray cod and Australian bass, and non-native species including Atlantic salmon, brook trout, brown trout and rainbow trout.

Fish stocking is recognised for its importance to the community in terms of quality recreational fishing, Indigenous cultural fishing opportunities, conservation outcomes, employment, and subsequent economic benefits that have grown in response to the activity taking place over many years.

NSW DPIRD and key stakeholders developed a fishery management strategy which aims to ensure continued access and opportunities for involvement in freshwater fish stocking activities, and to make sure that stocking is conducted in an ecologically sustainable manner.

The management strategy for fish stocking contains a description of the activity, the management goals and objectives, and provides the management framework for the next five years and beyond. It also outlines a program for monitoring the environmental, social and economic performance of the fishery, establishes trigger points for the review of the strategy, and requires regular public reporting on performance.

An environmental impact statement (EIS) was prepared which examined the environmental impacts and risks of the existing stocking program, and the estimated changes to those impacts and risks if the (draft) management strategy was implemented. The EIS assessed the impact of the activity on the biophysical, economic and social environments.

Benefits Region: Inland statewide.

Freshwater Fish Stocking Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)


Prepare a fish stocking fishery management strategy and environmental impact assessment.


The activity of fish stocking is undertaken in many water storage impoundments and rivers throughout the State at a rate of around 7 million fish per annum. Stocking is primarily of native species including golden perch, silver perch, Murray cod and Australian bass, and non-native species including Atlantic salmon, brook trout, brown trout and rainbow trout.
Fish stocking is recognised for its importance to the community in terms of quality recreational fishing, Indigenous cultural fishing opportunities, conservation outcomes, employment, and subsequent economic benefits that have grown in response to the activity taking place over many years.

A fish stocking fisheries management strategy has been developed to guide the future management of freshwater fish stocking activities in the State’s public waterways for conservation, recreational fishing and Indigenous fishing purposes.  The FMS was developed over a lengthy period involving the development of an environmental impact statement (EIS), public consultation (in November/December 2003) and approval by the Minister for Planning under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The FMS supports the continued stocking of fish to maintain and enhance our native and salmonid freshwater fisheries and fish populations in need of recovery, while seeking to improve the ongoing management of freshwater fish stocking by incorporating:

  • comprehensive assessment arrangements to minimise or eliminate impacts of stocking on the environment, including interactions between stocked species and threatened species
  • improvements to hatchery production and fish quality through a quality assurance program
  • an accreditation scheme for hatcheries involved in the activity
  • improved understanding and use of genetic material in fish breeding programs
  • improved broodstock collection techniques, husbandry and management
  • greater involvement in the activity by Aboriginal people and other stakeholders
  • better information management, verification and reporting procedures
  • improved performance monitoring and compliance
  • improved education and public awareness.

Benefits Region: Inland statewide