A NSW Government website

General Biosecurity Direction for Shellfish Wet Storage

Shellfish wet storage is defined in the Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program (ASQAP) Manual as “the temporary post-harvest storage of shellfish in containers or floats in tanks containing natural or synthetic seawater”.

Interest in the use of shellfish wet storage systems is increasing, to prolong the shelf life of shellfish such as oysters, mussels, and commercially harvested shellfish such as clams and pipis. These systems provide the ability for growers to work around harvest area closures due to weather events or poor water quality. However, the use of shellfish wet storage systems has potential biosecurity and food safety risks and these need to be appropriately managed to protect NSW waterways.

NSW DPIRD has implemented a General Biosecurity Direction to all operators of shellfish wet storage systems to manage these risks. NSW Food Authority requirements are also in place to manage the food safety risks associated with these systems. Please see the NSW Food Authority website www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au for more information on these.

Two classes of system based on risk

Management measures have been built on a risk-based approach to capture different classes of systems based on the intended use of the system and therefore the risk posed.

Class 1 High Risk

Stock from any source, including multiple estuaries, prohibited biosecurity movements, interstate, otherwise unregulated movements, or stock held with an unknown biosecurity risk.

Class 2 Low Risk

Stock from local origin (single estuary) or following existing permitted movements from within NSW.

All wet storage systems

  • All systems must have the ability to isolate influent and effluent waters in the event of a system failure or stock issue.
  • No co-mingling of batches to occur. Each batch deployed to the system must be held in individual partitions, baskets or containers and traceability must be maintained as per the NSW Food Authority Wet Storage Requirements.
  • Written records of batches held must be kept for 12 months including the type and quantity of stock, and the date in and out of the system.
  • Unexplained mortality of stock in systems must be reported to NSW DPIRD (via EAD Hotline 1800 675 888; aquatic.biosecurity@dpird.nsw.gov.au or by contacting a local Fisheries Officer or Authorised Officer).

Class 1 - High Risk

  • New systems must be inspected upon installation and before first use. Existing systems must not be used until inspected by an authorised officer and found compliant with these requirements.

Note: all facilities are subject to random compliance inspections by an authorised officer at any time under the Biosecurity Act 2015.

  • Must be inside a dedicated, lockable, land-based, enclosed production area so that no unauthorised personnel can access the system.
  • Dedicated equipment or suitably decontaminated equipment must be used in association with each system.
  • All entrances must have a clearly visible sign which states words to the effect of “A general biosecurity direction made under the Biosecurity Act 2015 is in force. Contact the person in charge before entry to find out how the general biosecurity direction applies to you” and include contact details the person in charge.
  • Personnel and facility hygiene required to be kept at entrance and used by personnel:
    • Shoe cleaning device and footbaths (clean and topped up) or dedicated clean ‘shed boots’.
    • Hand sanitiser.
  • Untreated wastewater must not be discharged to NSW waters, come into contact with any stock or equipment in the production area.
  • Wastewater must be either discharged to sewerage or wastewater system for the local area, or directly transported to a sewerage or wastewater treatment facility, or held in an effluent tank and treated prior to release from the facility, by either:
    • Removing all organic waste and disposing to landfill, followed by
    • Treatment with chlorine at a minimum rate of either:
      • 200ppm available chlorine for 2 hours; or
      • 30ppm available chlorine for 24hrs, followed by
    • Neutralisation of chlorine prior to discharge, via either:
      • Application of sodium thiosulfate, or
      • Vigorous aeration for 24 hours.

Note: Operators are responsible for obtaining appropriate approvals before discharging wastewater into a local sewerage or wastewater system and for the release of treated wastewater.

  • Stock is not permitted to be returned/deployed to any NSW waters.

Class 2 - Low Risk

  • Where located outside of an enclosed facility, the system must be covered by lockable, impervious lids.
  • Where stock is to be obtained from another estuary, a completed copy of the oyster shipment logbook must be completed and submitted to NSW DPIRD no less than 48 hours and no more than 2 weeks prior to movement into the system.
  • If not sold to market, shellfish may be returned to the estuary of origin, or any estuary permitted by existing shellfish shipment and biosecurity regulations, if a relevant permit (e.g., aquaculture permit) is held by the operator.
  • No effluent discharge requirements.
  • Dedicated equipment or suitably decontaminated equipment must be used in each Class 2 facility.

Both Class 1 and Class 2 facilities in same production area

  • Where a Class 2 system is to be held in a facility with Class 1 system, it must be housed in a separate room to the Class 1 system, with clear signage indicating the two different classes of systems to the effect of: “You are now entering a [Class 1/Class 2] facility production area. A general biosecurity direction made under the Biosecurity Act 2015 is in force. Contact the person in charge before entry to find out how the general biosecurity direction applies to a [Class 1/Class 2] facility” and providing contact details for the person in charge.
  • There must be separate water flows for each system and use dedicated equipment or suitably decontaminated equipment for each facility.
  • Hand sanitiser must be provided at entrances and be used between facilities.