A NSW Government website

Governance of pest and weed management in NSW


In 2023 the interim Biosecurity Commissioner heard from key stakeholders about issues with the current governance arrangements and structure of pest and weed management in NSW.

The Independent Biosecurity Commissioner (the Commissioner) has now commenced a review of pest and weed governance structures and will make recommendations to optimise management of pests and weeds in NSW.

What is included in the review?

The scope of the review includes:

  • Consideration of outcomes from the Natural Resources Commission Invasive Species Management Review
  • Identification of strengths of the current governance structure
  • Consideration of jurisdictional approaches to pest and weed management
  • Consideration of alternative models for managing cross-tenure issues across NSW
  • Consideration of funding arrangements

The review does not include a review of emergency management arrangements for declared biosecurity incidents.

What will the Commissioner deliver?

On completion of the review the Commissioner will deliver a report, including recommendations on a revised governance model.
This report will be provided to relevant Ministers and government agencies for response.

Stakeholder engagement

In completing the review, the Commissioner will work closely with stakeholders, seeking input and contribution towards the development of options for a revised governance model.