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Rules for moving products

Biosecurity Emergency Order (No. 1) 2025

NSW DPIRD has published Biosecurity (Fire Ant) Emergency Order (No. 1) 2025 on 28 January 2025. This supersedes Biosecurity (Fire Ant) Emergency Order (No. 17) 2024, published on 18 December 2024.

  • View the new order and Plain English Guide.
  • There are no changes to the boundaries of the NSW Fire Ant Infested Area or the Fire Ant Movement Control Areas (Murwillumbah and Wardell). Note: Movement controls were not deemed necessary following the interception of fire ants in turf at Clunes in November, however, the suspension of turf movement from the Queensland fire ant infested area remains in place, pending further investigations and compliance work.
  • The Qld Fire Ant Infested Area has increased in size with additions in Grantham, Lower Tenthill, Ma Ma Creek, Placid Hills, Townson, Veradilla, Winwill (Zone 1), Beechmont, and Witheren (Zone 2). A new outlier infestation has occurred at North Arm.
  • If you are moving the defined fire ant carriers from the parts of QLD and NSW shown in red, orange or yellow on this map, you must comply with the current Emergency Order.

Fire ants can fly up to 5 km or more, form rafts to float on water, and travel over or under the ground. However, long distance spread is mostly through human assisted movement of fire ant carrier material.

The emergency measures outlined in the Order apply to all persons who carry out a controlled movement of fire ant carriers into NSW.

What is a controlled movement?

A controlled movement is the movement of a fire ant carrier from a fire ant infested area or fire ant movement control area.

Specifically, a controlled movement may be any of the below movements of a fire ant carrier:

Check the map and the Order to ensure you know your biosecurity duties.

Full list of fire ant carriers:

Equipment & vehicles
Plant-based products
Earth materials

Heavy vehicles *

Agricultural & horticultural equipment *

Earth moving equipment *

Pallets, Packaging, containers & covers *

Building waste *

Green waste *

Mulch, soil, compost & manure

Growing media

Soil samples

Hay. silage & chaff


Potted plants

Indoor potted plants

Excavated plants & stumps *


Rocks & stones, recycled concrete aggregate (under 20mm diameter) *

Rocks & stones, recycled concrete aggregate (over 20mm diameter) *

Coal fines & chitters *

*  new or revised carrier definition

Controlled movement requirements

Depending on your location and type of carrier, you may need to consider the following requirements:

Premises checking

Anyone deciding to move fire ant carriers into NSW from the QLD fire ant infested area is required to know whether the premises the fire ant carrier is from (including where it has been made, grown, sourced, packed, stored or held), has been checked for fire ant nests every 12 weeks (at least once prior to the movement).

Areas requiring checking include along edges of waterways, driveways and fence lines, around power poles, gardens, lawns and paddocks where crops are grown, and all areas within 50 m of where the carrier is made, grown, sourced, packed, stored or held. Records of premises checking must be kept  for 4 years by the person responsible for the premises and should be obtained and kept by the person who decides, to support their Record of Movement declaration, to move a fire ant carrier into NSW from the premises.

If you see red imported fire ants in Queensland, report to the National Fire Ant Eradication Program on 13 25 23 or complete the online form at fireants.org.au.

Read the Emergency Order (Clause 14) and understand your duties.

Premises treatment

Premises in the QLD fire ant infested area where fire ant carriers are from (including where they are made, grown, sourced, packed, stored or held) must have an insect growth regulator (IGR) treatment regime if fire ants have been found in the last 12 months.

Parts of the premises within 500 m of where the fire ant carrier has been grown, packed, sourced, stored or held are subject to the IGR treatment regime, and at least 8 weeks must have passed since the initial application of insect growth regulator. Records of the treatment must be kept for 4 years.

Anyone deciding to move fire ant carriers into NSW from the QLD fire ant infested area is required to know whether the premises is subject to an IGR treatment regime if fire ants have been found in the last 12 months.

Records of premises treatment must be kept  for 4 years by the person responsible for the premises and should be obtained and kept by the person who decides, to support their Record of Movement declaration, to move a fire ant carrier into NSW from the premises.

An IGR treatment regime is defined in the Emergency Order as the application of an insect growth regulator product containing 5 grams per kilogram of pyriproxyfen or s-methoprene as the active ingredient and that is registered or permitted for the treatment of fire ants by the APVMA. The regime must involve at least 3 applications within a 12-month period in accordance with all label and APVMA permit conditions.

Read the Emergency Order (Clause 15) and understand your duties.

Carrier treatment

Any fire ant carrier under a controlled movement from the QLD or NSW fire ant infested area or the movement control areas needs to be treated. These treatments may include use of registered insecticides, vigorous disturbance, agitation, heat treatment, freezing, cleaning, covering, off-ground storage or visual checking. Read the Emergency Order and understand your duties.

If you see red imported fire ants in Queensland, report to the National Fire Ant Eradication Program on 13 25 23 or complete the online form at fireants.org.au.

Preventative conditions

Materials must be covered, stored off the ground or on a treated surface to prevent flying fire ant queens from settling in them.

Preventative conditions are defined in Clause 10 of the Order and include:

  • Keeping the carrier material completely covered in either sealed plastic bags, or with sealed plastic wrapping, or covered with tarpaulin, or shade cloth, or insect netting, or inside an enclosed building, and
  • High enough off the ground that none of it is touching the ground (may include trailers or benches, not pallets) or
  • On hard ground treated with bifenthrin*, or
  • On an impervious surface such as concrete or bitumen or heavy plastic where the edges are treated with bifenthrin.

For most carriers, preventative conditions are required immediately after the carrier treatment has been carried out.

Read the Emergency Order (Clause 10) and understand your duties.

* A chemically treated perimeter means a boundary of 30 cm in width that has received a chemical treatment. The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) Permit number PER14317 (expiry 29th February 2024) allows the use of bifenthrin for the protection of storage areas (including chemical perimeters and surface treatments). WARNING – ALWAYS READ THE LABEL Users of agricultural or veterinary chemical products must strictly comply with the directions on the label and the conditions of any permit. See Pesticides for more information. Take care not to degrade a chemical perimeter or surface treatment through movements of traffic or equipment.

Biosecurity certificates

If an approved biosecurity certificate is required under the Order, anyone who receives a fire ant carrier as the result of a controlled movement must produce the approved biosecurity certificate that accompanied the fire ant carrier for inspection when requested by an authorised officer and retain the certificate for 4 years. The type of biosecurity certificate required is specified in the Order and may include one of the following:

  • Plant Health Certificate (PHC): issued by inspectors from the Queensland Government to applicants wanting to move fire ant carriers into NSW from Queensland. Fees apply.
  • Plant Health Assurance Certificate (PHAC): issued under the Interstate Certification Assurance (ICA) Scheme or other Certification Assurance Arrangement.
  • BioSecure HACCP Biosecurity Certificate: issued under the BioSecure Hazard Analysis Critical Point (HACCP) industry certification scheme (self-certification).

Read the Emergency Order and understand your duties.

Record of Movement declaration

A Record of Movement (RoM) declaration must be made online by the person deciding to move the carrier into NSW. Unless an exemption applies, you must provide details of the movement including vehicle registration numbers, and a copy of the approved biosecurity certificate (if required). A RoM declaration must be made before the fire ant carrier is moved, and a copy retained for 4 years. Use the form here to make a RoM declaration.

Read the Emergency Order (Clause 12) and understand your duties.