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Working with Industry

NSW Sheep and Goat Traceability Reference Group

A reference group comprising key industry representatives has been formed to ensure stakeholders have a say in the development of an eID system for sheep and goats in NSW.

The group includes producers, business operators and peak industry and government bodies from across Australia.

Chaired by NSW DPI, the reference group includes representatives from:

  • NSW Farmers’ Association
  • Australian Livestock Markets Association
  • Australian Livestock & Property Agents’ Association
  • Livestock Bulk & Rural Carriers Association
  • Australian Meat Industry Council
  • Integrity Systems Company Ltd
  • NSW Police Force, Rural Crime Prevention Team
  • Sheep industry representatives

The Reference Group will release a communique following each meeting to inform stakeholders of progress towards the implementation of an eID system for sheep and goats.


Communique #1

At its meeting on 5 October, 2022 the Reference Group:

  1. Recognised the benefits of strengthening biosecurity, market access and on-farm productivity in NSW through the implementation of lifetime traceability of individual sheep and goats.
  2. Agreed on Terms of Reference for its operation including ensuring that traceability was considered holistically in terms of capability, capacity, infrastructure and equipment across the supply chain.
  3. Agreed to finalise an implementation plan for electronic identification (eID) tagging for sheep and goats in NSW by the end of this year. The Reference Group noted this would align with the release of the national implementation plan and allow early planning for infrastructure and management practices.
  4. Agreed that the date of 1 January, 2025 for national implementation of an eID program will likely involve staged implementation to ensure the underlying national database can accommodate the necessary additional data and so supply chain participants can prepare accordingly.
  5. Agreed to seek feedback from their respective organizations and members on the most logical phasing of these stages for discussion at a future meeting and for feedback on eID consultation opportunities involving Government, industry and reference group members.
  6. Agreed to meet fortnightly, and to provide a communique updating stakeholders and industry of progress on the eID implementation program following each meeting.

Communique #2

At its meeting on 18 October 2022 the Reference Group:

  1. Agreed on an updated Terms of Reference for the reference group based on feedback from group members since the previous meeting.
  2. Received a presentation from Agriculture Victoria Manager Livestock Traceability Ben Fahy on the challenges and learnings of implementing eID for sheep and goats in Victoria.
  3. Reviewed a draft communications plan that seeks to ensure all stakeholder groups are informed and engaged in the implementation of eID for sheep and goats in NSW.
  4. Received an update on the current work underway in developing a national eID implementation plan.
  5. Discussed an updated draft implementation timeline with agreement to seek feedback from reference group membership on an updated draft (based on these discussions) at the next reference group meeting.

For more information visit the Sheep and Goat Individual Electronic Identification page.

Communique #3

At the meeting on 1 November 2022, the Reference Group

  • Received an update on the progress at a national level to transition to mandatory eIDs for sheep and goats
  • Discussed the draft implementation plan timelines and structure
  • Discussed government assistance needs for implementation
  • Received an update on communications and engagement approach, and plans for the sector specific webinar series.

Communique #4

At the meeting on 14 November 2022, the Reference Group were in Victoria on the study tour of sectors where a mandatory sheep and goat eID system is already in place.

The Reference Group

  • Received their regular update on progress at a national level to transition to mandatory eIDs for sheep and goats
  • Received a presentation from NSW DPI on the webinar series that ran between 2/11 and 8/11, and feedback received from attendees
  • Agreed on the draft implementation plan timeline.
  • Received a presentation from Integrity Systems regarding the National Livestock Systems, eNVD and Livestock Production Assurance.

Communique #5

At the meeting on 1 December 2022, the Reference Group:

  • Received their regular update on progress at a national level to transition to mandatory eIDs for sheep and goats
  • Discussed the draft NSW implementation plan
  • Received a presentation and discussed possible government assistance options. Industry reiterated that all parts of the supply chain will need funding assistance to meet the timeframes and the funding package is being developed by the government.
  • Received a presentation from DPI on the project management structure for the rollout of eID in NSW.

Communique #6

At the meeting on Tuesday 15 December 2022, the Reference Group:

  • Received an update on progress at a national level to transition to mandatory eIDs for sheep and goats
  • Was provided an update regarding Commonwealth and NSW Government assistance to aid eID implementation
  • Discussed feedback from attendees of the two Minister’s industry forums at Bourke and Dubbo on sheep and goat electronic identification
  • Discussed what is important to include in education, training and communications material on sheep and goat electronic identification going forward.

Communique #7

At the meeting on January 19, 2023, the Reference Group:

  • Noted no national eID update, as no meetings had taken place since the last NSW Reference Group meeting
  • Was provided an update regarding Commonwealth and NSW Government assistance to aid eID implementation
  • Received an update on the Phase 1 Grants for project designing and planning for infrastructure needs for saleyards and processors.
  • Discussed the education and training package being produced by Tocal College, to support the implementation of eID in sheep and goats

Communique #8

At the meeting on Friday February 24, 2023, the Reference Group:

  • Was provided an update regarding Commonwealth and NSW Government assistance to aid eID implementation
  • Received an update on the progress of DPI project plans to implement eID
  • Was provided an update regarding additional staff being appointed in NSW DPI to help implement eID
  • Received a national eID update from Andrew Henderson, independent chair of the SAFEMEAT Advisory Group
  • Received a national tag tender/ procurement update from Bonnie Skinner, CEO of Sheep Producers Australia.

Communique #9

At the meeting on Tuesday 9 May 2023, the Traceability Reference Group:

  • Was provided an update regarding Commonwealth and NSW Government assistance to aid eID implementation
  • Discussed potential questions under an annual stakeholder survey to establish a baseline and then continued understanding of the sheep and goat industry understanding and compliance of sheep and goat eID in NSW
  • Received an update and had input into communications supporting sheep and goat eID implementation.

Communique #10

At the meeting on Thursday 15 June 2023, the Reference Group:

  • Received an update regarding NSW Government assistance to aid eID implementation
  • Received an update regarding national eID implementation activities
  • Discussed potential future eID tag technologies including high radio frequency identification tags
  • Received an update from Jane Parker from Allflex (MSD) about eID, particularly around supply and timeline factors for manufacturing their tags and readers.

Communique #11

At the meeting on Thursday 13 July 2023, the Reference Group:

  • Heard an announcement from NSW Minister for Agriculture, Tara Moriarty re NSW Government funding to support eID implementation in NSW
  • Was provided a presentation with more details on the NSW Sheep and Goat eID Rebate Scheme, followed by discussion and feedback on the package and guidelines
  • Received an update regarding national eID activities
  • Received an update on eID Legislation process and timeframes

Communique #12

At the meeting on Wednesday 23 August 2023, the Reference Group:

  • Received an update on NSW Government eID assistance, specifically saleyard and processor applications, and the status of the producer and agent guidelines for the NSW eID infrastructure rebate scheme
  • Heard an Integrity Systems Company presentation regarding current and future eID device technologies and the status of the NLIS database upgrade
  • Received an update regarding national eID activities
  • Workshopped key aspects of a potential national tag tender/ procurement scheme

Communique #13

At the meeting on Monday 6 November 2023, the Reference Group:

  • Received an update regarding the implementation of eID in NSW
  • Received an update regarding Commonwealth and NSW Government assistance to aid eID implementation
  • Received an update regarding national eID implementation activities
  • Received an update regarding NSW eID regulation, process and timeframes
  • There was a facilitated discussion about the NSW eID rebate scheme, livestock prices and options to maximise rebate scheme access

Communique #14

At the meeting on Monday 11 December 2023, the Reference Group:

  • Received an update regarding the implementation of eID in NSW
  • Received an update regarding Commonwealth and NSW Government assistance to aid eID implementation
  • Received a presentation on the NSW extension and adoption plan and 2023 activities
  • Received an update on the NLIS (Sheep & Goat) Standards
  • There was a discussion about NSW Farmers’ meetings with tag manufacturers re a direct to slaughter tag and UHF tags, a potential tag procurement scheme and the status of the NLIS database upgrade.

Communique #15

At the meeting on Tuesday 23 January 2024, the Reference Group:

  • Received an update regarding the implementation of eID in NSW
  • Received an update from Integrity Systems Company regarding the status of the NLIS database upgrade and its integration with the eNVD
  • Received an update on the extension and adoption project plan by LLS
  • Received an update regarding NSW eID regulation, process and timeframes
  • Received an update on National eID implementation and activities, including the status of the national sheep and goat traceability standards
  • There was general discussion about eID tags- relating to cost and retention; and the Victorian sheep and goat compensation levy.

Communique #16

At the meeting on Friday 1 March 2024, the Reference Group:

  • Received an update regarding the implementation of eID in NSW
  • Received an update about NSW Government assistance for Sheep and Goat eID implementation and provided feedback on further support programs for industry
  • Received an update on National eID implementation and activities, including the status of the NLIS (Sheep & Goat) Standards
  • Received an update and consultation regarding amendments to NSW eID Regulation
  • Received an update from Integrity Systems Company on NLIS device approval and review processes

Communique #17

At the meeting on Wednesday 17 April 2024, the Reference Group:

  • Received an update regarding the implementation of eID in NSW
  • Received an update on National eID implementation and activities, including the status of the NLIS (Sheep & Goat) Standards
  • Received an update about NSW Government assistance for Sheep and Goat eID implementation
  • Discussed the Sheep and Goat eID device discount program
  • Received an update on NSW eID Regulation consultation and amendments
  • Discussed the NLIS database uplift project and issues with current database performance

Communique #18

At the meeting on Monday 13 May 2024, the Reference Group:

  • Received an update on National eID implementation and activities, including the status of the NLIS (Sheep & Goat) Standards
  • Received an update regarding the implementation of eID in NSW, including information on the NSW Sheep and Goat eID device discount program
  • Received an update from Integrity Systems Company on the NLIS Database Uplift project and the integration of eNVD into the NLIS database.

Sheep and Goat Traceability Task Force

The NSW Government is a member of the National Sheep and Goat Traceability Task Force (SGTTF). The SGTTF provides oversight of the national roll-out of eID for sheep and goats, advising Senior Officials and Agriculture Ministers on key implementation matters.

The task force membership consists of:

  • an independent Chairperson appointed by the NBC (Mr Ron Cullen)
  • representatives from New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and the Commonwealth governments (representing the other jurisdictions)
  • a representative of SAFEMEAT
  • representatives from peak councils for sheep, wool, goats, beef and/or dairy cattle industries,
  • representatives of retailers, processors and smallgoods.

You can read more about the SGTTF and their communiques on the SGTTF website.

Industry events

Our sheep and goat traceability extension team have participated in many events to share information about eID with members of the sheep and goat supply chain.

To find out where our team will be delivering information about sheep and goat eID, visit our Upcoming Events page or sign up for our newsletter.

For event inquiries, please contact our team at sheepgoateid@dpi.nsw.gov.au

NSW Implementation Plan

NSW has an implementation plan that provides more detail on why we are moving to eID, what changes will occur as part of the move and what support will be available to industry.