A NSW Government website

On-farm Carbon Advice Project

What is the On-Farm Carbon Advice project?

The On-Farm Carbon Advice project is building knowledge and capability of carbon farming practices in NSW extensive beef, sheep, dairy, and mixed farming systems.

The project is increasing awareness and understanding of:

  • a changing climate, impacts and global action
  • agricultural emissions
  • emissions reduction and carbon sequestration strategies
  • the pros and cons of carbon farming including market opportunities.

The 4-year On-Farm Carbon Advice project, ending in June 2026, will deliver:

  • a range of education and training products for different levels of knowledge e.g. Carbon Farming Fundamentals (½ day introductory workshops for farmers starting their carbon journey), Carbon Farming Masterclasses (specific advanced knowledge delivery), and Regional Forums (large event technical forums)
  • an online website with useful tools and resources
  • Farm Carbon Management Plans for 150 individual enterprises, estimating emissions and carbon farming opportunities
  • demonstration sites that showcase emissions reduction and sequestration technologies and practices.

For further information about the On-Farm Carbon Advice project email carbon@dpi.nsw.gov.au

Fill in the form to register your interest.

On-Farm Carbon Advice Dashboard

On-Farm Carbon Advice - Case for Change

The On-Farm Carbon Advice project is a joint initiative between the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), funded through the Primary Industries Productivity and Abatement Program (PIPAP).

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