A NSW Government website

Device Management App

Device Management App screenshots

Deploying Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the field is a challenging experience at the best of times. Going back to the same spot to do maintenance can be even more challenging, depending on the notes that were taken when the device was installed.  In agricultural IoT, there are few landmarks that might help you find a device previously installed, somewhere in a paddock or on a floating buoy on the river. This was the motivation for the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (NSW DPIRD) to develop the “Device Management App” which has been released for iOS and is free for all users of The Things Network (TTN).

Standing in the middle of a paddock, you know the device you installed last year is here somewhere, but where? The NSW DPIRD “Device Management App” allows you to search for devices based on your current location using your phone's GPS up to 10km away.

The app also allows you to check when your devices and gateways were last seen.  Device description, location, and notes can be updated all from within the app. This information is still available even when an internet connection is not available, so connectivity in the field is not a problem.

The app is free to use and only stores information on your phone, so no data gets sent back to the developers. The code is all open source so you can check it out for yourself.  Feedback and suggestions of new features, bug fixes or contributions to the code can be added via the Github pages.

The app was developed using React-Native for cross-platform support and has been consistently tested in the field to obtain real-world feedback on features that work well and new features that should be added.

This app was developed in-house by the Digital Ag team, part of the Climate Branch within the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. The app was developed to support the Climate-Smart Pilots project, investigating the role of digital technologies in adapting to climate variability and change. Funding for the project was through the NSW Climate Change Fund.  On the GitHub page, you will find other code available that has been developed across this project.

A link to the app can be found below.

Link to download in apple app store