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Climate Smart Farmer Stories Podcast

We've partnered with NSW Local Land Services' podcast The Big Shift to bring you our Farmer Stories series in a new format. 

The 5 fresh episodes centre on themes that came through the series as key methods farmers have implemented to overcome climate extremes. Farmers are using these methods now, seeing results, creating stronger more resilient business, while being part of the solution to Climate Change.

Check out the episodes using the links below.

Climate Smart Series #1 - AgTech to manage climate risks and maximise return on infrastructure investment

Climate Smart Series #2 - Landscape modifications and interventions for drought resilience

Climate Smart Series #3 - Building healthy soils that buffer against sever climatic events

Climate Smart Series #4 - Biodiversity and ecosystem services for supporting climate resilient agricultural production

Climate Smart Series #5 - Livestock management practices that improve productivity and overcome climate extremes

These Climate-Smart Pilots Farmer Stories podcast episodes are being brought to you by NSW Department of Primary Industries in collaboration with NSW Local Land Services.


The Farmer Stories series is produced by Climate-Smart Pilots and the NSW Primary Industry Climate Change Research Strategy.

These are farmers' own experiences in adapting their land, systems and businesses to diverse climate impacts. Success will vary in different locations and industries.

For more information contact Matthew Pierce (matt.pierce@dpi.nsw.gov.au)