NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development gather, analyse and report on damage to primary industries and animals after natural disasters. The primary industries natural disaster damage assessments (PiNDDA) help a range of government agencies, industry organisations and communities understand the scale and regional distribution of the impact of a disaster on agriculture, plan for recovery activities and target resources and assistance in an area.
The primary industries natural disaster damage assessment (PiNDDA) survey is a simple online survey which farmers, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and Local Land Services (LLS) staff, and agricultural industry representatives can use to record damage to primary production and animals from natural disasters such as floods, fires and storms.
The PiNDDA survey allows landholders to:
DPIRD can view survey information in real time and results are used to determine:
This source of “ground truth” information helps the Government and communities understand the scale and regional distribution of the impact of a disaster on agriculture and target resources and assistance in an area.
To report damage, use this link www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/damagesurvey on your phone or computer to submit a survey. It’s free and takes just a few minutes to complete.
Making a report on your property with the survey is short and simple. To make a new report:
When does the survey open for natural disasters?
The survey is live and accepts surveys at any time.
How long will the survey remain open for?
The survey is always open to submit a damage report and agencies track the data in real time. After each emergency, a summary primary industries report is submitted by DPIRD - the timeframe will vary after each emergency. There will be ample time after the emergency to gather data and the report will be submitted after reporting slows.
What sort of data do I need?
You will need estimates of the damage to your enterprises. Examples include areas of crop, kilometres of fencing, and numbers of animals deceased. Specialised equipment and infrastructure may need an estimate of damage cost. Precise figures are not needed for this survey.
Please wait until it is safe to assess your damage.
Is there someone who can help me fill in the survey?
Yes, you can visit or ring your local LLS office on 1300 795 299 and they can talk you through the survey and/or complete it on your behalf. You can also ask a DPIRD development officer for your industry for assistance e.g. a horticultural development officer.
Can I see my individual survey information?
Choosing to enter your email will allow a copy of your report to be sent to you for your records after submission. Individual reports cannot be seen by the public.
Can I enter a survey when out of mobile range?
You need to open the survey before you go out of range. You can fill it in out of range and then submit it once you are back in range.
Can I update the damage report I put in and use the survey to record and track other information?
No, please submit an additional report with the extra damage if you find new damage. The survey only collects information on a one-off basis and cannot track additional data.
Can my information be seen by others?
The information collected for individual properties is not available for members of the public to see or search. DPIRD may use the information to target resources and assistance in an area. The information is not used to determine individual eligibility for assistance but may be used to provide context when assessing your claim or recovery needs.
How is my information used and who can see it?
Public users cannot see individual property information. DPIRD or LLS staff can only use the information for assisting the community in or after emergencies and are bound by government confidentiality policies. DPIRD or LLS staff may contact individuals to clarify, validate or narrow down damage if required for natural disaster declarations or to determine if assistance is required. The information is not used to determine individual eligibility for assistance but may be used to provide context when assessing your claim or recovery needs.
Does the information collected determine if my area gets more or less government funding?
The data collected by the survey is the main source of information used to develop a primary industries assessment for each Local Government Area (LGA), which is submitted to the NSW Reconstruction Authority, with other community and infrastructure damage, to be assessed against a number of criteria when determining if an area will receive disaster funding.
Are the results of the survey available publicly?
Yes, DPIRD publishes LGA level summaries on their website. Filter by event, date and LGA to see the damage for the particular event you are interested in.
Detailed reports of enterprise damage at an LGA level are only available to DPIRD and recovery agencies and services to guide decision making about appropriate assistance in an LGA.
Does the survey collect information about drought or non-agricultural damage?
DPIRD only collates damage to primary industries. Damage to houses, non-farm businesses and public infrastructure is collated by other emergency agencies and local council.
The data collected by the Primary industries natural disaster damage assessment (PiNDDA) surveys are analysed and results are available for use for recovery purposes. Data is refreshed hourly during business hours.
Area of need | Contact |
Problems with the survey |
NSW DPIRD Emergency Management Unit emergency.operations@dpird.nsw.gov.au |
Enquiries regarding access to assessment results |
NSW DPIRD Emergency Management Unit emergency.operations@dpird.nsw.gov.au |
Assistance with entering survey data and technical industry advice | Local Land Services 1300 795 299 |
Assistance with entering survey data or request assistance with animals during emergencies | Agricultural and Animal Services Hotline (only staffed during major emergencies) 1800 814 647 |
Report non-agricultural damage | Your local council |
Natural disaster assistance claims, grants and funds for primary producers | Rural Assistance Authority 1800 678 593 |
If you have been impacted by a natural disaster, you may be eligible for other Disaster relief assistance and support from the NSW Government. | Emergencies and natural disasters Service NSW or 13 77 88 Finding help after a natural disaster: A guide for primary producers |
For bush fire information | NSW Rural Fire Services (RFS) 1800 679 737 |
For emergency help in floods and storms | NSW State Emergency Service (SES) 132 500 |
For life threatening emergencies including bush fires | Dial 000 |
Maintaining positive mental health can play an important role in individual, business and community resilience and recovery, so it’s important to look after your social and mental wellbeing.
Area of need | Contact |
For free, confidential and professional financial counselling for farm businesses | Rural Financial Counselling Service |
Connections to mental health support | Lifeline 131114 |
The Farm Business Resilience Program This program builds the strategic management capacity of farmers, farm managers and employees in adapting to a changing climate. | These skills are developed or updated through business coaching. Visit Business Coaching for more information or express your interest via the online form. |