Managing emergencies

Equine influenza testing area, January 2011

Managing emergencies, to safeguard the NSW economy, environment and community, involves prevention and preparedness to minimise the impact of emergencies, responding to emergency incidents and conducting recovery operations.

Personnel participating in emergencies on behalf of the department are required to be trained, maintain currency of their skills, follow policies and procedures, and maintain a safe workplace for themselves, fellow workers and the community.

For additional information see:

Training & skills Resources & publications

Key contacts

Reporting emergenciesTelephone

Emergency animal disease watch hotline

1800 675 888

Report unusual disease signs, abnormal behaviour or unexplained deaths in animals that may be due to an emergency animal disease.

Exotic plant disease watch hotline

1800 084 881

Report any suspected presence of an exotic plant disease or pest, or if you see unusual symptoms on your plants. More information: Emergency plant pest reporting and what happens next.

Emergency aquatic disease watch hotline

02 4916 3877

Report unusual disease signs, or unexplained deaths in cultured or wild fish by phone, completing an online form or emailing More information: Report an aquatic pest or disease.

Marine pollution reporting

1800 641 792

Report any marine oil or chemical spill to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. The relevant agencies will then be notified.

Additional informationTelephone

Resilience NSW

02 9212 9200

Resilience NSW provides information about preparing for, dealing with and recovering from an emergency situation.

Local Land Services office (LLS) including locusts reports and agricultural damage from natural disasters1300 795 299

Emergency Management Unit

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