Our role

The department has a range of responsibilities to prevent, prepare, respond to and help recover from biosecurity (animal and plant) including locusts, natural disaster and other emergencies.

The department under the NSW State Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN) is the appointed combat agency for biosecurity (animal and plant) emergencies and also a support agency as the Agriculture and Animal Services Functional Area (AASFA) in natural disasters and other emergencies.

We provide systems, processes, resources, and tools to manage emergencies and assist in building safer and stronger communities.

Alongside our partner organisations, we provide agricultural, animal and community assistance during emergencies, including:

  • Assist primary producers, animal owners and the community in preparing for emergencies.
  • Coordinate support during emergencies that impact on animals and plants, including maintaining animal welfare.
  • Relief assistance to primary producers to help recovery.

Key contacts

Additional informationEmail

Emergency Management Unit, Biosecurity and Food Safety
