Northern Rivers Prawn Industry

Fishing Trawler at seaOften when we think about flooding, it is the disastrous impacts on land that come to mind. But flooding events also affect NSW’s aquaculture industry.

As floodwaters flow out of rivers into the ocean, debris goes with it, damaging everything in its path -including boats and nets.

The disruption and loss of income to fisher families can hit hard for years after.

In the Northern Rivers, flood events in both 2021 and 2022 impacted the area’s prawning industry.

For Andrew and Candice Elford, the floods left their prawn trawling business with extensive damage and saw the loss of tools, diesel motors, a shed and vehicles.

After the second flood, the family of six also suffered extreme damage to their home.

They had to move into temporary accommodation until repairs were undertaken to the destroyed downstairs area and mould remediation upstairs.

In addition, the lack of prawn stock in the Northern Rivers prawn grounds and the low prices being paid for the smaller catches didn’t pay running costs.

After attending the Kempsey Multi-agency Recovery Hub, Andrew was connected to one of the Rural Recovery Support Services (RRSS)’ Mid North Coast Officers, Rob, who understood the trawling business well.

He learned that although the Elfords had received an RAA Special Disaster grant to help with recovery from the 2021 flood, being hit a second time in 12 months caused significant stress which required additional support.

Rob was able to support them through the second RAA Special Disaster grant application process and invoice acquittal processes.

They were successful, which enabled their business to purchase new trawling nets, and repair their trawler and damaged infrastructure.

Andrew said it was good to get personalised assistance and support from Rob.

“It was like a breath of fresh air to be able to speak to someone who knows the industry.”

As a result of the assistance from the RRSS, Andrew and Candice were able to recover from multiple flood events over three years and resume a profitable ocean trawl business.