Tune Up For Fellas (TUFF) Making Connections

Figure 1 - Participants of the TUFF program

The NSW DPI Rural Recovery Support Service identifies opportunities to develop initiatives aimed at enhancing the capabilities of primary producers. Among these is TUFF, short for Tune Up For Fellas, a specially crafted two-day workshop for men in rural and regional regions. TUFF's aim is to provide men  with the tools necessary to thrive under the unique challenges of rural life.

Since its establishment, TUFF has positively impacted over 200 men across NSW, the program offers men a chance to take a break, forge connections, and learn effective strategies to tackle life's challenges.

The workshop creates a supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, learn from others, and acquire practical skills to deal with change and adversity. In addition to educational sessions, the workshop features nutritious meals and social activities to promote bonding among attendees.

Key topics addressed by TUFF include:

  • Strategies for overcoming life's hurdles
  • The power of storytelling and mastering active listening
  • Finding balance between personal and professional lives
  • Constructive ways to navigate conflict and tough situations
  • Personal development and goal-setting

The diverse backgrounds of participants, hailing from places like Nana Glen, Wallarobba, and Lismore, mirror the wide variety found within the agriculture sector, encompassing dairy, beef, wool, crop farming, and more.

The testimonials from TUFF participants glow with positivity. Graham, for instance, shared his insights: " From my experience, the first and largest step is acknowledging we need help. The thing with this is that we live in our own mind and believe our situation is unique and to take the first step is a big affair " He continued, " The TUFF workshop is that there are many people with their own challenges, some significantly more dire than others. However, the willingness of blokes to open up about their situation to one another is very liberating, a problem shared is a problem halved"

TUFF has proven to be a vital resource in supporting our clients, with participants noting improved communication skills and a renewed understanding of the value of seeking support. Additionally, many have forged significant personal and professional relationships.