Aquaculture lease tender process - FAQ

What is the aquaculture lease tender process?

NSW DPIRD offers existing and new lease areas for the purpose of aquaculture via a competitive tender process.

NSW DPIRD runs the competitive tender process twice a year, in March/April and in September/October.

A competitive process ensures a fair and equal opportunity for all participants. It also ensures that returns to the State are maximised.

What do I need so I can participate in the tender process?

To be eligible to participate in the tender process, you must:

  • hold a current aquaculture permit, or
  • have submitted an application for a new aquaculture permit, which has been assessed by the department prior to the closing date of the tender, or
  • have an agreement in place with a current permit holder to sublet the lease(s) you intend to tender for.

What do I need to do to participate in the tender process?

To participate in the tender, you must:

  • submit the tender form, found in Section E of the Request for Tender document, and
  • submit a completed new lease application form for the lease(s) you submit a tender for.

Where do I send my tender?

Tenders must be submitted by post or email only.


Confidential – Tender Aquaculture Leases


NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

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All tenders must be received by the closing date and time specified in the Request for Tender.

How does NSW DPIRD assess the tenders received for the leases being offered?

An Aquaculture Lease Tender Committee (ALTC) reviews all tenders received. The conforming tender that offers the highest premium for each lease will be accepted as the successful tender.

What is a conforming tender?

For a tender to be assessed as conforming, a tenderer must:

  • comply with the Terms and Conditions of the tender, and
  • not be a disqualified person/company from holding an aquaculture permit, and
  • not have outstanding debt payable to NSW DPIRD in relation to any aquaculture lease or permit they hold, and
  • not have a poor record of managing one or more other leased areas (e.g., have outstanding clean-up issues on a terminated lease previously held by the tenderer).

If my tender for a lease is successful, am I guaranteed that lease area?

Not necessarily. A successful tenderer may need to seek other consents or approvals for the lease they have successfully tendered for (e.g., landowner’s consent with Crown Lands, development consent with Council).

NSW DPIRD does not guarantee that any consent or approval will be granted by other agencies or authorities.

Information on the approvals that may be required for each lease being offered can be found in the Request for Tender document.

Should I treat the details of my tender as confidential?

Absolutely. Tender participants should not discuss the details of their tender with other potential tenderers. Sharing tender information compromises the integrity of the tender process and is discouraged by NSW DPIRD.

For more information

Visit or contact Aquaculture Administration via email at