Aquaculture Permit Conditions

Standard permit conditions

Condition No.Description
IMPINFOImportant Information about the Aquaculture Permit
Standard Conditions for All Permits
STDLEASEStandard Conditions for Lease-based Permits
STDFARMStandard Conditions for Land-based Permits

Specific permit conditions - lease based

Environmental protection conditions

Condition No.Descriptions
OYSRTProtection of oyster reef
SGSSProtection of seagrasses

Pacific Oyster conditions

Condition No.Description
DPOPORTDiploid Pacific Oysters  - Port Stephens
TPO85GRHWKTriploid Pacific Oysters 85% - Georges/Hawkesbury
TPOPOMSTriploid Pacific Oysters - POMS Estuaries
TPONOPOMSTriploid Pacific Oysters – POMS Free Estuaries
TPOPORTTriploid Pacific Oysters - Port Stephens
TPOWAPTriploid Pacific Oysters - Wapengo Lake

Importation of Sydney Rock Oyster conditions

Condition No.Description
SROQLDImport Sydney Rock Oysters from Queensland
SROVICImport Sydney Rock Oysters from Victoria
SROWAImport Sydney Rock Oysters from Western Australia

Akoya Oyster conditions

Condition No.Description
AKOOYSCultivation of Akoya Oyster
AKOPRLCultivation of Akoya Pearl

Specific permit conditions - land based

Land based conditions

Condition No.Description
CLASSEClass E Permit
FWDISCFreshwater Discharge from Facility
GPQLDImport Golden Perch from QLD
LVEFDImport Live Feed into NSW
MARREDCultivation of Marron or Reclaw
CLHOYSOperation of Marine Bivalve Hatchery (Class H)
CLHTPOTriploid Pacific Oyster in Hatchery (Class H)
YABBYCultivation of Yabbies
AKOOYSLNDCultivation of Akoya Oyster under Landbased Permit

Land based conditions with protocols

Condition No.Description
BARIMPImportation of Barramundi
COBIACultivation of Cobia
FLWCODCultivation of Flowery Cod
MARPOLCultivation of Marine Polychaete
NATFINCultivation of Native Freshwater Finfish
POSTLARVPost-larvae for NSW Farms
PRWNSWPrawn Broodstock for NSW Farms
PRWQLDPrawn Broodstock for QLD Farms
SROWACLCImport Sydney Rock Oysters from WA Class C Permit
SROQLDCLCImport Sydney Rock Oysters from QLD Class C Permit
SROVICCLCImport Sydney Rock Oysters from VIC Class C Permit
SROBROODSRO Broodstock Movements Interstate Hatcheries