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Call for public submissions - Total Allowable Catch Determination


The Total Allowable Fishing Committee is required to make a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) determination for Eastern Rock Lobster taken in the Lobster Share Management fishery for the new fishing period 1 August 2024 - 31 July 2025.

Where can I find further information?

Have your say

All members of the public, including all stakeholders and interest groups, are invited to make submissions on the appropriate level of TAC for this species.

All submissions should be directed in writing to:

Subject – TAC submission Lobster.

The closing date for submissions is 8 May 2024

More information

Commercial Fisheries Hotline: 1300 726 488

Ministerial Fisheries Advisory Council

The Ministerial Fisheries Advisory Council (MFAC) was established to provide cross-sectoral advice on strategic policy issues to the Minister for Primary Industries. It includes representatives from the commercial, recreational, indigenous, aquaculture and conservation sectors and has an independent chair.

Commercial Fishing NSW Advisory Council

The Commercial Fishing NSW Advisory Council (CommFish NSW) was established to be the key advisory body providing ongoing expert advice to Government on matters relevant to the sector.

Working groups

Working groups will be established as required to provide expert advice on specific issues.

Becoming a committee or working group member

Notices calling for expressions of interest for advisory councils and working groups are published on this website.

Peak industry body for NSW commercial fishers

The NSW Government supports the establishment of a peak industry body to represent the interests of commercial fishers in NSW, and potentially deliver consultation services on behalf of the NSW Government.

Open for comment

Commercial fishing industry advice and comments are often sought to inform fisheries management arrangements. Notices calling for industry comment are posted here.

Former commercial fisheries advisory bodies