Independent Allocation Panel

The Independent Allocation Panel (IAP) was established to provide advice to the Government on the criteria to be used in allocating new species and effort quota shares. See the Government response to the IAP (PDF, 203.91 KB).

New species quota shares have been allocated in the following share classes:

  • Ocean Trawl – Fish Northern Zone and Inshore and Offshore Prawn
  • Ocean Hauling – Purse Seine Net
  • Ocean Trap and Line – Line Eastern Zone
  • Estuary General – Hand Gathering

New effort quota shares have been allocated in the following share class:

  • Ocean Trawl – Inshore and Offshore Prawn

IAP Final Recommendations

The NSW Government considered the advice provided by the Independent Allocation Panel (IAP) in its final reports, and carefully looked at the benefits and impacts. The NSW Government is satisfied that the IAP process was robust, consultative and independent, and that the resulting allocations will support active fishers.

In reaching its final recommendations, the IAP consulted extensively with the commercial fishing industry on the best approach to allocate new quota shares for relevant share classes, and considered all feedback.

The IAP’s final reports can be accessed below:

  1. Estuary General – IAP Final Report (PDF, 7322.14 KB)
  2. Ocean Hauling – IAP Final Report (PDF, 7005.07 KB)
  3. Ocean Trap & Line – IAP Final Report (PDF, 6927.3 KB)
  4. Ocean Trawl – IAP Final Report (PDF, 7461.4 KB)
  5. Southern Fish Trawl – IAP Final Report (PDF, 6790.79 KB)

To help mitigate any negative impacts on fishers, the NSW Government offered a variety of assistance measures.

Who were the IAP members?

The IAP members were:

  1. Professor Daryl McPhee
  2. Mr Brett McCallum
  3. Ms Susan Madden

Grant Thornton Australia Ltd was engaged to manage the affairs and processes of the panel. If you have any questions relating to the administration of the IAP process please contact Grant Thornton Australia Ltd. on 02 9286 5800.

IAP Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference for the IAP were as follows:

  1. Ocean Trawl - Terms of Reference (PDF, 232.91 KB)
  2. Ocean Hauling - Terms of Reference (PDF, 224.66 KB)
  3. Ocean Trap & Line - Terms of Reference (PDF, 224.45 KB)
  4. Estuary General - Terms of Reference (PDF, 223.18 KB)
  5. Southern Fish Trawl - Terms of Reference (PDF, 195.19 KB)

IAP Draft Reports

The IAP's draft reports in the Ocean Trawl, Ocean Trap and Line, Ocean Haul, Estuary General and Southern Fish Trawl fisheries were released for public comment from April to May 2018.

A copy of the reports can be found on the Grant Thornton website at Grant Thornton's IAP page.