Australian Fisheries Management Forum

The Australian Fisheries Management Forum (AFMF) is an informal network for sharing information between the state and federal government agencies involved in managing fisheries and aquaculture in Australia.

AFMF is comprised of the heads of Commonwealth and state/territory fishery management agencies, with observers from relevant bodies including the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation.

AFMF is not a decision making body, this multijurisdictional forum is designed to enhance collaboration between the Commonwealth, States and Territories on fisheries issues (for more information on the goals of AFMF see statement of intent below).

AFMF is currently chaired by QLD Deputy Director General Fisheries and Forestry, Pauline Jacob.

More information

AFMF – National Statement of Intent (PDF, 103.07 KB)

To contact, please email Peta Schofield