This program leads research on recreational and cultural fisheries for the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI), providing science and research in support of the DPI strategic priorities Assess and monitor natural resource health for sustainability and Improve the quality of the natural resource base. The program achieves this through research and monitoring targeted across several areas:
The Recreational Fisheries Monitoring Program conducts an ongoing biennial off-site survey of recreational fishing within NSW, and an ongoing observer program for charter fishing in NSW. This project is funded by the NSW Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust. Project lead: Jeff Murphy
The project provides the required monitoring and scientific evidence to support the stocking of new species and optimise release strategies to maximise the benefits of stocking for NSW anglers. The project team works closely with fisheries managers to oversee the sustainable execution and expansion of the marine stocking program, enhancing stocks of a spectrum of key recreational species. This project is funded by the NSW Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust. Project lead: Alistair Becker
This research project is addressing critical knowledge gaps that currently hamper management of Estuary Cockle harvest across commercial, recreational and cultural fishing sectors within NSW. This includes defining stock structure, quantifying basic population processes, and quantifying the influence of environmental and oceanographic variability on populations. This project is jointly funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and the NSW Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust. Project lead: Matt Taylor
This research project is conducting a long-term fishery independent survey to quantify how biological and environmental processes affect the distribution and abundance of Blue Swimmer Crab and Giant Mud Crab, to inform future management arrangements for the species. This project is jointly funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and the NSW Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust. Project lead: Matt Taylor
This project aims to test the suitability and utility of the existing telephone/diary/online surveys methodologies employed to survey recreational fishers, for collection of catch and effort data attributable to cultural fishing at a local level. The project also aims to collect attitudinal information on motivations, aspirations and perceptions related to cultural fishing. This project is funded through the Marine Estate Management Strategy. Project lead: Faith Doyle
To view recent and historic publications within this program, please visit the scientist’s webpages below: