
The Western Catchment management area is the largest catchment in NSW, covering some 230,000 square kilometres. It includes the Barwon-Darling, Culgoa, Paroo, Warrego, Narran, Bokhara and Birrie River catchments.

Fish passage

Brewarrina Weir fishway

A rock ramp fishway will be constructed at Brewarrina Weir to enable fish species including Murray cod, golden perch and silver perch to migrate in the Darling River. Under low-flow conditions the low-flow fishway will direct the river through its historic channel, aiding in the rehabilitation and restoration of the Ngunnhu. NSW DPIRD is working on this important project with the community and many partners including State Water, Land Council, Brewarrina Community Development and Employment Program, Ngemba and Murrawarri elders and community leaders, Brewarrina Senior Citizens Association, Brewarrina Chamber of Commerce, the Royal Hotel Fishing Club and all licensed users of the weir pool.

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