Mulloway Roadmap

Mulloway are an important species for recreational, commercial and Aboriginal cultural fishers, however stocks in NSW are currently classified as ‘depleted’. The Mulloway Roadmap outlines the steps to successfully rebuild stocks to ongoing sustainable levels, from actions that can be taken by fishing sectors today, through to a positive future secured by the Mulloway Harvest Strategy now in development.


  • Mulloway are classified as ‘depleted’ in NSW. Stocks are low, but juveniles and adults are around.
  • All fishers can help protect and rebuild Mulloway stocks to ‘sustainable’ levels by fishing responsibly.
  • Be aware of Mulloway rules, including legal-size, bag limit, and fishing gear restrictions.
  • Help protect juveniles by changing locations or fishing
    techniques to avoid incidental catch.
  • Compliance operation ‘Mulloway Assist’ is also promoting
    education and compliance around fishing rules.

In Development

  • Recreational, commercial, and Aboriginal fishers are
    working with DPIRD and independent experts to develop a
    Harvest Strategy for Mulloway.
  • The Harvest Strategy will include comprehensive
    monitoring and management actions to rebuild Mulloway
    stocks. All stakeholders can have input when released
    for public consultation.
  • DPIRD is also developing other supporting measures,
    including new research on Mulloway biology, and ways to
    improve reporting and harvest information.

A Positive Future

  • Mulloway are an important species for recreational, commercial and Aboriginal fishers, with many social,
    economic and cultural benefits for fishers and the
  • The Mulloway Harvest Strategy will support continued
    rebuilding and future health of Mulloway stocks.
  • Actions taken by all stakeholders both now and in the
    future will help secure a positive future for Mulloway in