Cunjevoi habitat

Rock pools are either permanent water-filled crevices or form as waves pound cobbles and boulders, scouring the rock.

A rock pool is left when the cobbles or boulders have been washed away.

Marine life

Marine life in these pools has adapted to constant submersion, and extremes of temperature and salinity.

They include algae (turf-like, leafy, and Neptune's necklace brown algae), sea anemones, sponges, tube worms, sea stars, oysters, and fish such as threefins and blennies.


Underwater view of a clump of cunjevoi in the lower zone. (Photo: John Turnbull)

Leafy and turf-like algae growing on cunjevoi habitat. (Photo: John Turnbull)

Cart-rut shell, a predatory sea snail, hiding at low tide amongst cunjevoi habitat.