Kelp forest

5-11 m: Kelp forests, primarily golden kelp (Ecklonia radiata), thrive at this depth. The large kelp fronds create a dense canopy that blocks a lot of the sunlight.

Marine life

Beneath the kelp, you'll find a sparse community of sponges, ascidians, small leafy algae, and branching coralline algae.

Schools of old wives, long-finned pike, and yellowtail scad swim among and above the kelp forest.

Leatherjackets and blue groper feed within the kelp, and you may spot the vibrant rainbow cale.

Hawksbill and green turtles rest under ledges in the kelp forest, while the interface between kelp forest and sandy areas is the preferred feeding ground for weedy seadragons.

Six-spine leatherjacket hiding in the understorey of a kelp forest. (Photo: John Turnbull)

Six-spine leatherjacket hiding in the understorey of a kelp forest. (Photo: John Turnbull)


The edge between kelp forests and sand is the preferred feeding ground of the weedy seadragon. (Photo: John Turnbull)

Hawksbill turtle resting in the kelp. (Photo: John Turnbull)