Kids activities

Enter into our kids colouring in competition!

Download the colouring in sheet below

Fly Point marine life colouring in sheet

Closing date: Thursday 21 December 2023

Please return your colouring sheet to us via one of the following options so you can go into the draw to win one of the awesome prizes we have on offer!

- Drop in to Tomaree Library and Community Centre (Salamander Bay)

- Drop in to the Fisheries Office in Taylors Beach

- Post to Locked Bag 1, Nelson Bay NSW 2315

- Email to

Prizes include:

- 2x $50 vouchers to the Little Nel Cafe in Nelson Bay

- 2x $50 vouchers to BCF

- Family Pass to Irukandji Shark & Ray Encounters (Anna Bay)

- Family Pass to Toboggan Hill Park (Nelson Bay)

Happy colouring!