Saltwater recreational fishing guide


The NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guide is produced by NSW DPI and funded from the Recreational Fishing Trusts as part of our commitment to providing recreational fishers with comprehensive, user-friendly information.

Included in the guide are details of significant projects in areas such as fisheries enhancement, habitat restoration, essential research programs, game fish tagging, fish stocking activities, safety awareness, education and community participation activities. All of these projects have been financed, in whole or part, from recreational fishing trust funds generated by the NSW Recreational Fishing Fee.

Also included is information on fishing fees, catch and release fishing, safety tips, knots and rigs, fishing rules, legal lengths, bag limits, protected and threatened species, and tide charts.

Copies of the NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guides are available from NSW DPI Fisheries offices and most fishing tackle shops.

This document is not fully web accessible, please contact for more information.


Published: Jun 2024