Get Hooked... It's Fun to Fish

Join the thousands of school students in NSW who have been part of our free and fun NSW Schools Program! Our program will introduce students to all things fishy, when your school registers to the NSW DPIRD's FREE Get Hooked... It's Fun to Fish program designed for school students from Stage 2 in NSW, including High School students.

The program:

  • teaches students the basic skills necessary for recreational fishing with the view that it will become a lifelong interest
  • introduces students to the concept of sustaining quality aquatic habitats by practicing safe and responsible fishing
  • allows all NSW schools equitable access to the program

Get Hooked… it's Fun to Fish is made up of six teaching modules which form a Junior Fishing Code and are derived from the National Code principles. The Junior Fishing Codes have been aligned to the Australian Curriculum and meet syllabus outcomes across all Key Learning Areas in both Junior and Senior outcomes.

The Six Codes

Code 1: 'Take only what you need' - The importance of the food chain and how taking too many of one species of fish may affect the entire chain, so only take enough for your own needs.

Code 2: 'Fish with friends' - Learn all about safety near waterways, safe fishing conditions and why having a responsible fishing friend to go fishing with you is important.

Code 3: 'You're the solution to water pollution' - Learn how to identify and reduce the impact of your actions on our waterways and the impact litter can have on aquatic species.

Code 4: 'Put the little ones back' - Learn the rules and regulations that relate to the size of fish you can catch and why we need to keep certain species and sizes of fish for the future.

Code 5: 'Don't leave your tackle behind' - Learn ways to reduce the risk to aquatic species by ensuring they are responsible and careful fishers, by respecting the environment they are fish in.

Code 6: 'Quality catchments equal quality fish' - Learn about the complex nature of a catchment and develop an understanding of the impacts of human activity in one waterway and how it can impact the entire catchment.

Your school will receive

Get Hooked basket and DVD

  • An easy to follow manual, which includes fun in class and outdoor activities
  • A resource kit, filled to the brim with all the goodies needed to do the activities
  • First hand guidance by our dedicated Fishcare volunteers and staff
  • The chance to wet a line in a local waterway where all the in class lessons are put into practice

Register your school now!

If you are a teacher and you want to register your school for the Get Hooked… it's Fun to Fish schools' program, drop us a line by sending an email to

Amalia Brohier Schools Manager 0439 642 453
Daniel Mallen Senior Education Officer 0438 162


"Excellent resource. A very worthwhile program greatly enjoyed by students. Thanks."

Mark Sullivan, Principal, Wee Jasper Public School

"… it is the best fishing program … and the children just loved it. We are very keen to participate again next year and would be more than happy to recommend the program to other schools."

Lynn Balfour (Deputy Principal), Ettalong Public School

"I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for yesterday. The kids all had a great time. They spent all afternoon talking about their fishing adventure and gloating about their goodies. The unit of work really complemented my sustainability unit that we did last term. All activities were well timed and it ran like clockwork. By far the best organised excursion I have done. Regards."

Toby Davies, Year 5/6 Teacher, Kempsey South Public School

"The enthusiasm displayed by all members of your team and the volunteers ensured high levels of engagement for all students. The attention given to the safety of students at all times was outstanding. Again many thanks."

Neil Robertson (Principal), Sackville Street Public School