Forest Health - Snapshot of Key Findings

Managing impact of climate change

Carnegie AJ, Kathuria A, Nagel M, Mitchell PJ, Stone C and Sutton M. (2022) Current and future risks of drought-induced mortality in Pinus radiata in New South Wales, Australian Forestry, 85: 161-177.

  • First risk model developed in Australia for drought-induced tree mortality in pine plantations using empirical data.
  • Enables management of drought risk under current and future climates; management strategies identified.
  • Illustrates benefit of having long-term data (25 years) to identify and manage biosecurity and health risks to NSW natural resources.

Forest biosecurity risk

Series of papers on forest biosecurity risk by Carnegie & Nahrung.

Carnegie AJ and Nahrung HF. (2019) Post-Border Forest Biosecurity in Australia: Response to Recent Exotic Detections, Current Surveillance and Ongoing Needs, Forests 10(4): 336.

Nahrung HF and Carnegie AJ. (2020) Non-native Forest Insects and Pathogens in Australia: Establishment, Spread and Impact, Front. For. Glob. Change, 3: 37.

Nahrung HF and Carnegie AJ. (2021) Border interceptions of forest insects established in Australia: intercepted invaders travel early and often, NeoBiota, 64: 69–86.

Nahrung HF and Carnegie AJ. (2022) Predicting Forest Pest Threats in Australia: Are Risk Lists Worth the Paper They're Written on?, Global Biosecurity 4(1).

  • First analysis of its kind in Australia; examines forest biosecurity risk and impact across the biosecurity continuum.
  • Collates exotic forest pests and pathogens that have establishment in Australia, response to their detection, subsequent spread and impact, relationships between established versus intercepted pests, and identifies traits and pathways of invasiveness.
  • Comprehensive analysis that can be used by biosecurity agencies and the forest industry to better understand and manage risk of exotic pest invasions.

Forest pests and diseases

Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Cheewangkoon R, Carnegie AJ, Burgess TI, Summerell BA, Edwards J, Taylor PJW and Groenewald JZ. (2019) Foliar pathogens of eucalypts, Studies in Mycology, 94: 125-298.

  • Comprehensive treatise of the foliar fungi found on eucalypts across the globe.
  • Seminal work for anyone working on fungi on eucalypts.
  • Includes detailed descriptions, illustrations and phylogenetic analysis of selected species from 110 of the most important genera that are pathogens of eucalypt leaves.

Sweeney J, Dodds KJ, Fettig CJ, Carnegie AJ. (2023) IPM: The Forest Context, In: Forest Entomology and Pathology, Volume 1: Entomology. Eds JD Allison, TD Paine, B Slippers, MJ Wingfield, Springer (Switzerland), pp 581-646.

  • Comprehensive review of Integrated Pest Management in the forestry context.
  • The book covers all aspects of forest entomology and is aimed to be used by researchers to students.
  • The book is Open Access for all to be able to use.

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