NSW Forestry Industry Roadmap

In NSW, the forestry sector is worth around $3 billion and supports more than 18,800 jobs [1], more than 40% of which are in regional areas. Through the application of strict ecological protections and the development and use of technology, NSW forestry industries are innovative and sustainable, ensuring wood remains the ultimate renewable™.

DPIRD Forestry supports this industry by:

  • Conducting robust scientific research managed by internationally renowned scientists,
  • Providing information and compliance guidelines to the plantations section, and
  • Developing a policy program that is appropriate to ensure a sustainably managed forest resource and innovative industry.

A NSW Forestry Industry Roadmap (PDF, 3620.87 KB) was launched in 2016. The Roadmap had four priority pillars:

  • Regulatory modernisation and environmental sustainability,
  • Balancing supply and demand,
  • Community understanding and confidence, and
  • Industry innovation and new markets.

Below is a list of the current forestry roadmaps:

Status Update

In 2023 all but one of the roadmap commitments has been delivered. The Western IFOA Review is the only remaining item to be delivered and is to commence shortly.