Plantations - Snapshot of Key Findings

"Facilitating reafforestation and establishment of plantations on essentially cleared land
in accordance with the environmental standards of the Code"

Plantations are regulated under the Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999 (the Act). The Act provides an integrated process for plantation authorisations. Key objects of the Act are to facilitate reafforestation and to promote and facilitate the development timber plantations on essentially cleated land. The Act is supported by the Plantations and Reafforestation Regulation (Code) 2001 which provides the minimum environmental standards required for all authorised plantations.

The Department of Primary Industries is responsible for regulating plantations on public and private land under the Act and Code. DPI assists farmers and corporate entities to make practical decisions based on the best scientific information available and assists plantation owners and managers to comply with the Act.

Environmental standards of NSW plantations include:

  • The protection of soil and water including buffers zones for drainage features
  • The protection of places, objects or items of heritage significance
  • The protection of biodiversity through the retention of rainforests, wetlands, high conservation value grasslands
  • Bushfire risk mitigation – setbacks from dwellings and powerlines
  • Roading and harvesting requirements

Key features of NSW plantations regulation

  • One regulation for all plantations including timber, non -timber
  • The same regulation for publicly and privately owned plantations
  • Regulated by state-wide legislation
  • Streamlined and integrated approval process
  • Guarantee of harvest for timber plantations
  • All plantations over 30 hectares required to be authorised

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