Plantation Owner and Manager Requirements – Operational Plans

Owners or managers of authorised plantation are required to adhere to the requirements of the authorisation, the Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999 (the Act) and Plantations and Reafforestation (Code) Regulation 2001 (the Code)

One of the obligations for the authorised plantation, is that the plantation owner or manager must prepare an operational plan for the following plantation operations -

  1. site preparation involving ripping or ploughing (including ripping or ploughing in combination with mounding),
  2. construction of a road,
  3. any construction that crosses a drainage feature,
  4. in the case of authorised timber plantation any harvesting that exceeds the maximum amount of harvesting permitted for management operations (that is, any harvesting that involves the cutting and removal from the plantation of more than 100 trees for each hectare of the plantation in each calendar year).

The harvest operation plan prepared in accordance with the Code must be submitted by the plantation owner or manager to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Plantation Regulation Unit at least 7 days before the commencement of any plantation harvesting operations.

What does the owner or manager need to do?

Submit a Harvest Plan or Operation Plan the operation harvest plan at least 7 days prior to harvest by:

The Guide for Plantation Operational Plans and Commencement of Harvesting Operations Form outlines what must be included in the plan documents.

Note, it is a condition of the authorisation that the owner or manager of the plantation notify the DPIRD as soon as the owner or manager becomes aware that plantation operations on the plantation, have or are likely to have an impact on unique or special wildlife values of the land concerned.

For more information, refer to the NSW plantation owner or manager's guide - unique or special wildlife values. To notify of unique or special wildlife values of the land concerned, use the Notification of form.

Where to go for assistance

Contact your nearest Plantation Assessment Officer.