Submit a Harvest Plan or Operation Plan

Operational Plan Requirements

Under Clause 26 of the Plantations and Reafforestation (Code) Regulation 2001 an operational plan must be prepared for the following plantation operations:

  • site preparation involving ripping or ploughing;
  • construction of a road;
  • any construction that crosses a drainage feature;
  • any harvesting that involves the cutting and removal from the plantation of more than 100 trees for each hectare of the plantation in each calendar year.

The operational plans must be prepared before the operation commences.

The plantation owner/manager must retain a record of:

  • any change in the size of the area shown on the map in the operational plan, and
  • any change to the work instructions given in the operational plan, that were applied during the actual operation.

All operational plans and records must be kept for a minimum of 7 years.

When is an operational plan required to be submitted to DPIRD?

The Code requires that a plantation owner/manager must provide a copy of the operational plan relating to an authorised plantation harvest operation where harvesting (being the cutting and removal from the plantation) exceeds 100 trees per each hectare of the plantation in a calendar year.

The harvest operational plan must be provided to NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) at least 7 days before commencement of harvest operations.