Forest Science

The Forest Science team provides evidence-based forest research services that underpin sustainable use of NSW’s native forests and productive plantations. The unit also has extensive technical expertise and capability in field based research, biometrics, spatial modelling, Geographic Information System (GIS) and cost-benefit analysis.

The Forest Science team provides research and development services to the forestry sector and a number of stakeholders including contracted research projects that assist the Forestry Corporation of NSW in its sustainable management of 2.2 million hectares of publicly-owned State forest. The group also works with organisations with an environmental and/or forestry socio-economic focus.

Its science-based research outcomes play a key role in shaping policy, industry and environment management decisions that share a common aim: sustainable management of forest landscapes through active and adaptive management.

Research Groups

Forest Science is made up of the four research areas listed below. Visit our Key Services for a quick overview of the services that each group provides. We also produce a quarterly Newsletter with a focus on one or more current activities within each group. The Science and research staff profiles contain detailed information about some of our Forest Science staff, including research interests, background and publications - choose the Forestry category to see only our staff.