Education & training for hunters

Education and training for hunters is provided through the Hunter Learning, Education and Accreditation Program (LEAP), administered by NSW DPIRD Hunting.

Ongoing education and training is an important part of regulated hunting in NSW. Hunter LEAP ensures that individuals seeking to hunt on public lands are suitably educated and that opportunities to improve skills and learn new techniques are available to all NSW Game Hunting Licence holders.

The department approves courses of training for hunters and accredits persons, clubs or associations to deliver approved courses.

Information for trainers

DPIRD Hunting has launched a new trainer portal at

All trainers will be sent an email containing their username with a link to create a password. Email if you do not receive the email.

Access the portal to use the new R-Licence Accreditation Form generator – R-Licence Accreditation booklets will no longer be physically issued. Read our email for all the details.

Trainers can also access all the R-Licence face-to-face delivery materials on the hub.

Help guides for trainers:

Information for hunters

Hunter LEAP Providers and their nominated Trainers can deliver accredited training as well as short courses and workshops in a face-to-face setting.

Name of courseDescription
Accredited training (licence pre-qualification)
R-Licence Accreditation Course A mandatory accreditation course for the purpose of completing adequate training for a NSW Restricted Game Hunting Licence (can also be completed online)
Firearms & Hunting Safety (Long-arms) Course An accreditation course that satisfies the training requirements for NSW and ACT Firearms Licence applicants
Short courses
Introduction to public land hunting A comprehensive short course that guides new R-Licence holders through booking a hunt and entering a State forest to hunt for the first time
Making a successful shot  
Sighting in your rifle scope  
Fallow deer ecology and hunting techniques  
Caping for a shoulder mount  
Safe game meat harvest program  
Training manuals 
Non-commercial Kangaroo Shooters Best Practice Guide 

If you are seeking to complete a hunter education course provided through Hunter LEAP, you should contact your local club or organisation directly.

About Hunter LEAP

Hunter LEAP is made up of four parts:

Hunters helping hunters

You can help us build a network for easy access to education and increased participation in hunting clubs by asking your organisation to become a Hunter LEAP Provider and registering as a Hunter LEAP Trainer.

There are many different types of courses available for our Hunter LEAP Partners to deliver, but the most important one is the R-Licence Accreditation Course to help new hunters qualify for a NSW Restricted Game Hunting Licence (R-Licence).

Why sign up?

Here's just a few of the many reasons to sign-up to Hunter LEAP:

  • Access best practice hunter education material that is structured to assist Trainers organise and present courses.
  • Access free training packages on a wide range of topics.
  • Opportunity to cost recover on training.
  • Increased member or customer numbers through delivery of the R-Licence Accreditation Course.
  • Increased opportunities for club events and promotions.
  • Dedicated Hunter LEAP support team.

Hunter LEAP Providers

Eligible hunting organisations and businesses are invited to become accredited Hunter LEAP Providers.

Hunter LEAP Providers can be either:

  1. Approved Hunting Organisations (AHOs), or
  2. hunting industry businesses.

Hunter LEAP Providers plan and schedule training events, then deliver course material that is supplied by the department. Providers nominate Hunter LEAP Trainers who present the training material on behalf of their organisation.

Providers must ensure their Trainers deliver the course material according to department guidelines, as well as procedures and standards for Hunter LEAP Training Packages.

Form HL-A - Application to become accredited as a Hunter LEAP Provider (PDF, 177.33 KB)

Hunter LEAP Trainers

Members or employees of Hunter LEAP Providers are invited to apply for accreditation as a Hunter LEAP Trainer.

Hunter LEAP Trainers are responsible for the delivery and assessment of department courses on behalf of their Provider. Trainer applications must be supported by a nomination from the Provider's official representative.

To qualify for accreditation as a Hunter LEAP Trainer, you must:

  • provide evidence of a current R-Licence or that you have completed the mandatory component of the R-Licence Accreditation Course
  • provide a Working with Children Check
  • pass a Criminal History check (conducted by the department)
  • be a NSW Police approved firearms safety trainer if you would like to deliver firearms safety training
  • understand and comply with the contents of the Hunter LEAP Trainer's Guide: Training standards and techniques (issued with each Trainer accreditation).
Form HL-B - Application to become accredited as a Hunter LEAP Trainer (PDF, 178.69 KB)

Hunter LEAP policy

The Hunter LEAP policy provides a framework for the management and delivery of education and training through the department's hunter education program. It sets out the minimum requirements for material the department will issue to Providers and Trainers, the expectations for course delivery according to standards and guidelines, and how the department will review Hunter LEAP Partner activities.

Policy - Hunter LEAP (Learning, Education and Accreditation Program) (PDF, 81.4 KB)

Hunter Education and Training Support Team

The Hunter Education and Training team provides dedicated support to Hunter LEAP Partners.

The support team is available by emailing