You searched for lifestyles

Showing results 11 - 20 of 24

  1. Ocean Trap and Line Fishery Environmental Imapact Statement: Public consultation document

    Ocean Trap and Line Fishery. Environmental Impact Statement. Public Consultation Document. Published in March 2006 by. NSW Department of Primary Industries. Agriculture and Fisheries Division. PO Box 21 Cronulla NSW 2230. Environmental Impact

  2. Agriculture Industry Action Plan – Taskforce recommendations to Government

    by supporting health and nutrition, and supplying richly diverse social and cultural lifestyles.

  3. Long term impact of PMP farming for the future in NSW.pdf

    It also indicates little may be gained in focusing training at lifestyles.

  4. 2022 NSW Biosecurity Attitudinal Research Report

    Accessible PDF

  5. Healthy Rivers Report 2003

    load, water flows and quality. 3. Principle 1: Rivers as assetsPrinciple 1: Rivers as assetsPrinciple 1: Rivers as assetsPrinciple 1: Rivers as assets Rivers sustain lifestyles and patterns of work and

  6. NSW Agriculture Commissioner report

    The main sources of these pressures are growing urban populations and an expanding urban footprint, a growing interest in rural residential development and lifestyles, and a renewed interest from producers and

  7. Estuary general EIA report (2001)

    Estuary General EIS

  8. Ocean hauling EIA report (2001)

    Environmental Impact Statement

  9. NSW Commercial Abalone Draft Fishery Management Strategy: Assessment of Impacts on Heritage and Indigenous Issues (2005)

    The patterns that are described reflect the changing lifestyles of Aboriginal communities from the 1940s to the present.

  10. Ocean Hauling Fishery Environmental Impact Statement: Public Consultation Document

    Environmental Impact Statement