You searched for river styles

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  1. NSW-Recreational-Fisheries-Monitoring-Program-Survey-of-recreational-fishing-in-NSW-201718-_-Fisheries-Final-Report-Series-No-158.pdf

    37. Figure 16. Total catch estimates (numbers kept plus released) by waterbody type for key freshwater species (river and lake/dam) caught during 2017/18 by RFL households.

  2. 2022 NSW Fisheries Annual Report (PDF 5.8 MB)

    Their long- term goal is to look after this piece of river and continue to improve fish habitat and riparian biodiversity. ... River. The approximately 800 ha Swan Pool is part of the Kinchela backswamp on the floodplain south of the Macleay River.

  3. Forty two projects were funded in the 2020-2021 Habitat Action Grants

    vegetation along the northern shore of Marsden Weir on the Wollondilly River, Goulburn. ... Creating a food factory for fish and mud crabs. Ozfish – Manning River Chapter.

  4. 33 projects were funded in the 2021-22 HAGs

    ID Project Overview Organisation. Habitat Action Grant Funds. (excluding GST) S13 Coldstream River Riparian. ... River. This key fish habitat will boost the diversity and abundance of recreational fish.

  5. Estuary Prawn Trawl Fact Sheet – Authorised Modifications to Trawl Gear.pdf

    15 metres Clarence River. 11 metres Hunter River. 11 metres Hawkesbury River (upstream of Juno Point / Eleanor Bluff). ... the Clarence River). Using an appropriate mesh size will facilitate the adoption of other modifications such as steeper side tapers

  6. Chinese traditional

    船坡與墨累河(Murray River) 交匯 處)、以及在德梅裡斯克河 (Dumaresq)、麥金泰爾河(MacIntyre)、巴爾旺河 (Barwon) 新州一側捕釣時 (中線邊界適用於這些河流)。. ... 不得捕釣

  7. Buying hay or silage after a flood fire or drought

    Silage bales in river during flood. Silage bales will float and remain in good condition if the plastic wrap remains sealed.

  8. Clarence River (Yamba Bay & Oyster Channel) - Hauling Net (General Purpose)

    NSW DPI 12 July 2017Coordinates are shown in WGS84. BARRENJOEYHEAD. FLINT AND STEELPOINTEstuary General - Clarence River (Yamba Bay and Oyster Channel) - Hauling Net (General Purpose).

  9. Myall Lake, Myall River, Boolambayte Lake and Boolambayte Creek

    NSW DPI 21 July 2017Coordinates are shown in WGS84. BARRENJOEYHEAD. FLINT AND STEELPOINTEstuary General - Myall Lake, Myall River, Boolambayte Lake and Boolambayte Creek.

  10. Fishery Management Strategy for the Estuary General Fishery

    Creek Spring Creek Pambula Lake Korogoro Creek Werri Lagoon Curalo Lake Killick River Crooked River Merrica River Lake Innes Shoalhaven River Nadgee River Lake Cathie Lake Wollumboola Nadgee Lake. ... various PLEURONECTIDAE/BOTHIDAE Garfish > Eastern sea