You searched for river styles

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  1. Responding to carp fishing and control enquiries from external stakeholders

    Former carp projects undertaken by NSW DPI include:. • integrated carp control projects such as the River Revival – Lachlan River Carp Clean-up project (which aimed to significantly reduce carp numbers using ... B., Moffatt, D. B., and Bruce, A. M.

  2. Form 15: Application for Transfer of Quota

    Date :. Quota Types (kg): Abalone, Lobster, Red Sea Urchin, EG Mud Crab, EG Blue Swimmer Crab, EG Long- and Shortfin River Eel, EG Pipi, EG Beach worms, EG Cockles, EG Ghost

  3. A rapid approach to evaluate putative nursery sites for penaeid prawns

    Isotopes of an element, for example, Carbon, all share the same chemical properties. Summary . Approximately 90% ... collected juvenile SP and EKP directly from eight habitat sites in the Hunter River at a distance of between

  4. nocturnal sampling reveals usage patterns

    The sampling was done in the Hunter River estuary, located on the coastline of temperate New South Wales, which contains large intertidal wetlands. ... Within intertidal marsh and mangrove habitats, fyke net catches were dominated by the Striped River

  5. Hook and line fishing in areas important for threatened fish species

    Other important areas include the trout cod protection areas in the Murray River that contain remnant trout cod populations and the Nymboida River that contains the last naturally occurring populations of

  6. Latest Trust Investment Plan 2018/19 - 2020/21 (updated February 2021)

    River. Evans Head Business &Community Chamber. SW $0 SW $10, 000. SW $0. ... on the Barwon River at Collarenebri adjacent to the newly developed boat ramp and recreational area.

  7. Infographic on TAC and TAE determinations for the 202122 fishing period.pdf

    Estuary General Fishery (Mud crab, Blue Swimmer crab, Longfin River eel and Shortfin River eel).

  8. NSW Total Allowable Fishing Committee-Estuary General Hand Gathering Fishery Report and Determinations for the 202021 Fishing Period.pdf

    NSW Estuary General Fishery - HG Species TACC Determinations 2020-21 (Final)

  9. Estuary General Hand Gathering Fishery_Determination_14 May 2021_FINAL.pdf

    above long-term average levels in Wallis Lake, Pambula Lake, Shoalhaven/. Crookhaven River.

  10. PDF of Plantations and Reafforestation (Code) Regulation 2001- 30 April 2024

    c) in the case of a river or drainage line—the top edge of its banks. ... 17 Establishment operations in buffer zones on timber plantations. (1) Planting in the buffer zone of any wetland or river—.