You searched for river styles

Showing results 1,241 - 1,250 of 1,386

  1. Developing Commercial Inland Saline Aquaculture inAustralia: Part 2. Resource Inventory and Assessment

    Rufus River Groundwater Interception Scheme. 25 8.6.6. Mildura-Merbein Groundwater Interception Scheme. ... Proposed shallow groundwater pumping in the Ord River Irrigation Area around Kununurra in northern WA.

  2. 8-Bank-stabilisation_Wilson-River.pdf

    As this head cut moves upstream, the river bed level is lowered, causing the banks to erode and riparian vegetation to collapse. ... Following recommendations provided in a report on the Wilson River the project partners undertook a remediation project

  3. Coastal floodplain management in eastern Australia: barriers to fish and invertebrate recruitment in acid sulphate soil catchments

    Sampling sites at the Clarence river floodplain. Distance from mouth and catchment area. ... Species abundance at Hunter River sites before and after installation of tidally operated.

  4. Gillreportfinal_Formatted_091003

    Table 3.7. Summary of results of 1-way analyses of similarity comparing structure of catches across different mesh sizes in each Period in the Clarence River and Wallis Lake.40.

  5. Mapping the habitats of NSW estuaries

    of Hawkesbury River. 27 Figure 14. Estuarine macrophytes of Pittwater. 28 Figure 15. ... They often have small catchments, hence low river flows to keep entrances open.

  6. Hawkesbury-Square-Mesh-Panel.pdf

    Compulsory Specifications 1. For use in the Hunter and Hawkesbury Rivers only (not the Clarence River).


    conditions) prior to being introduced to the freshwater reaches of the upper Snowy River. ... in the Snowy River from the estuary at Marlo upstream to Jindabyne dam.

  8. Scoping knowledge requirements for Murray crayfish (Euastacus armatus)

    An additional site was also sampled on the Ovens River during this period. ... burrowing behaviour and the potential impacts of river regulation on burrow dependant behaviours.

  9. Fisheries Research Strategic Plan 2014-18

    Examples include repairing the riparian zone, re-snagging river reaches, improving water quality and the creation of artificial refuges. ... In freshwater ecosystems, it is critical that river infrastructure is managed in a way that supports the

  10. Australian Society for Fish Biology Annual Conference and Workshop 2008: Assessing Recreational Fisheries - Current and Future Challenges

    Kooragang Wetland Rehabilitation Project: History of changes to estuarine wetlands of the lower Hunter River. ... Integrated Monitoring of Environmental Flows: Assessment of predictive modelling for river flows and fish.