You searched for river styles

Showing results 1,331 - 1,340 of 1,386

  1. Aquaculture Diet Development Subprogram: Ingredient Evaluation

    Aquaculture Diet Development Subprogram: Ingredient Evaluation. Geoff L. Allan1, Mark A. Booth1, David A.J. Stone1, Alex J.Anderson2. 1NSW Fisheries Port Stephens Fisheries Centre. Private Bag 1, Nelson Bay NSW 2315. 2Queensland University of

  2. Mark-recapture population estimate and movements of Grey Nurse Sharks

    Mark-recapture population estimate and movements of Grey Nurse Sharks. N.M. Otway and A.L. Burke. NSW Fisheries Conservation Research Port Stephens Fisheries Centre. Private Bag 1, Nelson Bay, NSW 2315 Australia. EA Project No. 30786/87. June 2004.

  3. Development and delivery of technology for production, enhancement and aquaculture of blacklip abalone in NSW

    Development and delivery of technology for production, enhancement and aquaculture of blacklip abalone. (Haliotis rubra) in New South Wales. M.P. Heasman, W. Liu, P.J. Goodsell, D.A. Hurwood and G.L. Allan. NSW Department of Primary Industries Port

  4. Aquaculture Diet Development Subprogram: Nutrient Requirements of Aquaculture Species

    Aquaculture Diet Development Subprogram: Nutrient Requirements of Aquaculture Species. David M. Smith1, Geoff L. Allan2 and Mark A. Booth2. 1CSIRO Marine Research P.O. Box 120, Cleveland QLD 4163. Australia. 2NSW Fisheries Port Stephens Fisheries


    Assessment of length and age composition of commercial kingfish landings. J. Stewart, D. J. Ferrell, B. van der Walt, D. Johnson, M. Lowry. NSW Fisheries Cronulla Fisheries Centre. P.O. Box 21, Cronulla, NSW, 2230 Australia. FRDC Project No. 97/126

  6. Rec Survey_REPORT formatted for printers.DOC

    The National Recreational and Indigenous. Fishing survey. Edited by. Gary W. Henry. New South Wales Fisheries PO Box 21. Cronulla, NSW 2230. and. Jeremy M. Lyle. Tasmanian Aquaculture &Fisheries Institute University of Tasmania. Private Bag 49 Hobart

  7. List of Tables

    The Gamefish Tournament Monitoring Program – 1993 to 2000. J.J. Murphy, M.B. Lowry, G.W. Henry, and D. Chapman. NSW Fisheries Cronulla Fisheries Centre. P.O. Box 21 Cronulla NSW, 2230 Australia. June 2002. NSW Fisheries Final Report Series No. 38.

  8. Fishing is one of the greatest factors modifying global marine ecosystems (Botsford et al

    Note: CH = channel, CL = canals, CR = creek, NL = north lake, SL = south lake, RV = river, UR = upper river. ... In Tuross Lake, 3 functional boat ramps (1 in the north lake, 1 in the channel and 1 in the upper river ) and 1 boat-hire outlet area (in the

  9. Permit Application Parts 2 & 7 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994

    A10 Name of river, creek, lake, waterway:. A11 Locality name/description:. Important: Attach an up-to-date, topographic map or aerial photo image (e.g.


    Assessment of barotrauma and its mitigation measures on the behaviour and survival of snapper and mulloway. Julian M. Hughes and John Stewart. NSW Department of Primary Industries Sydney Institute of Marine Science Building 19, Chowder Bay Road.