You searched for river styles

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  1. brogo-river-brogo-dam-closed-waters.pdf

    Intersection of mean highwater mark at 151 25.024'E. Brogo River - Brogo Dam. ... Closed Waters the Brogo River and its tributaries within 300 metres downstream of the Brogo Dam outlet regulator.

  2. Mehi River Moree Weir closed waters

    Intersection of mean highwater mark at 151 25.024'E. Mehi River - Moree Weir 149 50'30"E 149 50'40"E. ... Closure Closed Waters That part of the Mehi River and its tributaries from within 15 metres upstream and 85 metres downstream of the weir face at

  3. Macleay River (ur) nets closed waters

    Intersection of mean highwater mark at 151 25.024'E. Macleay River (Upper Reaches) - Nets 152 42'0"E 152 45'0"E 152 48'0"E. ... 4 Kilometers. Closed Waters ers of the Macleay River and its tributarKempsey upstream to its source.

  4. Macroeconomic Conditions

    55. Heavy rainfall between 17 and 26 March caused further moderate flooding across most coastal catchments, including the most significant flooding on the Manning River since its previous record in 1929.

  5. NSW Native Fish Drought Response 2019/2020

    This includes, but is not limited to:. Watering strategies (working with river operators, water management agencies, environmental water holders and water users to maximise the efficient use of water where possible ... Final Report. 2018-2020 Lower

  6. Share class fact sheets

    Share class fact sheets. Linking shares to access provides fishers with a stronger property right and the opportunity to grow their business with greater certainty around the value of their investment. Since 1 December 2017, when share linkages and

  7. Wallis Lake

    Wallamba River - Nets. The whole of the waters of Wallamba River and its tributaries, upstream to its source from the Pacific Highway bridge at Nabiac. ... Map of Wallamba River - Nets closed waters (PDF, 264.91 KB).

  8. Georges River (ur) traps closed waters

    Intersection of mean highwater mark at 151 25.024'E. Georges River (Upper Reaches) - Traps 150 54'0"E 150 56'0"E. ... Closed Waters The whole of the non-tidal waters of the Georges River and its tributaries, upstream from Liverpool Weir to its source.

  9. Murray River Hume Weir closed waters

    Intersection of mean highwater mark at 151 25.024'E. Murray River - Hume Weir 147 1'45"E 147 2'0"E. ... Closure Closed Waters That part of the Murray River within 130 metres downstream from the weir face at Hume Weir.

  10. Work with your community

    The Fish Friendly Farms team have developed two new free colour brochures to inspire landholders to undertake more fish friendly management techniques on their property and help restore river health and