You searched for river styles

Showing results 771 - 780 of 1,386

  1. Macleay River (Lower Reaches) - Set Meshing Net

    FLINT AND S TEELPOINT. Estuary Ge n e ral-Macle ay Rive r(Lowe rRe ache s)-S e tMe shin g Ne t 15256 E " 40 '0" 1530'0E 153'"E. Land and Property Information 2015 153 4'0"E153 0'0"E152 56'0"E. 30 48'0"S 30 48'0"S. 30 51'0"S 30 51'0"S. 30 54'0"S 30 54

  2. Oxleyan Pygmy Perch

    They prefer slow-moving or still waters with plenty of in-stream aquatic vegetation or root-filled banks fringed with river-bank vegetation. ... Why is the Oxleyan Pygmy Perch threatened? Habitat degradation due to increased sedimentation from coastal

  3. Go Fishing - Burrinjuck Dam

    It also supplies stock and household water needs for landholders and towns along the Murrumbidgee River as well as environmental flows, flood mitigation and hydroelectricity. ... Fed by three major tributaries – the Murrumbidgee, Goodradigbee and Yass

  4. Camden Haven River - Set Meshing Nets

    NSW DPI 21 July 2017Coordinates are shown in WGS84. BARRENJOEYHEAD. FLINT AND STEELPOINTEstuary General - Camden Haven River - Set Meshing Net.

  5. Sydney Hawk Dragonfly

    Grieve). Why is the Sydney Hawk Dragonfly threatened? River regulation and alteration of flows have caused the disappearance of natural deep pools;. ... Habitat loss and degradation resulting from the removal of riparian (river bank) vegetation, drainage

  6. Oxleyan pygmy perch

    sedges) or undercut, root-filled banks fringed with submerged riparian (river bank) vegetation. • ... disturbance or degradation. • Prevent sedimentation and poor water quality. by improving land management practices, conserving and restoring

  7. Boat seized from two Darling River fishers caught netting

    Boat seized from two Darling River fishers caught netting. NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Fisheries Officers recently conducted a surveillance operation on the Darling River upstream of Menindee, where they ... Fisheries Officers alleged they

  8. The marine worm Hadrachaeta aspeta.pdf

    The only published records are from Patonga Creek (lower Hawkesbury River) and Yamba in New South Wales, and from Serpentine Creek (Brisbane) in Queensland.

  9. freshwater-aquaculture-fact-sheet.pdf

    Mu rray. Cod pro. duti on in. cage s, River. ina. ... Access to high quality water (river/dam/bore). For example Silver Perch culture in earthen ponds requires a water budget of 40Mgl/ha/yr to fill ponds, exchange water and replace

  10. Improving fish passage in the Shoalhaven: Fish monitoring at Tallowa Dam

    Summary. An important part of the NSW Government’s Metropolitan Water Plan are works designed to improve the health of the Shoalhaven River.