You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 201 - 210 of 1,007

  1. Macadamia harvesting with sweepers and blowers: effect on soil movement

    Macadamia harvesting with sweepers and blowers: effect on soil movement. Soil erosion is an issue for macadamia growers as the large canopied trees shade the orchard floor which prevents ground cover ... Harvest machinery also contribute to soil movement.

  2. Burr medic

    Burr medic. Name:. Burr Medic (Medicago polymorpha var brevispina). Description:. A self regenerating annual legume growing mainly in the autumn, winter and spring.

  3. Fertilisers for pastures

    The pastures in this region are generally rainfed, with some properties using supplementary irrigation. ... There is extensive reference to animal health and nutrition. The booklet covers areas such as:.

  4. Salvaging crops for fodder, grain or grazing - costs and income calculator|Salvaging crops for fodder, grain or grazing - costs and income calculator

    Growers input data from their own situation to assess the costs and returns of each option. ... Feed samples can be tested through the department's Feed Quality Service – 1800 675 623.

  5. Faba bean

    Faba bean was first grown commercially for grain in South Australia in the early 1980s, and is now cultivated in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. ... the plant. breeding of faba beans in Australia. growing the crop.

  6. Field pea: western NSW planting guide

    Rotational benefits include the ability to conserve or increase soil nitrogen levels, increased weed control options, and as a break crop for cereal diseases.

  7. Interpreting soil tests for calcium, magnesium and Ca:Mg ratios

    This leaflet contains information about:. available Ca. available Mg. significance of the Ca:Mg ratio in predicting plant growth.

  8. Uniformity in the greenhouse

    This diagram highlights the impact of site and greenhouse design on crop uniformity. ... This results in very little air movement towards the middle of the crop.

  9. Apple rootstock identification

    These rootstocks each have a characteristic effect on the scion variety growing on top. ... 66–73. Ferree, D. C. (1987), ‘In Search of the Perfect Rootstock’, American Fruit Grower, 107(2): pp.

  10. Greenhouse basics

    A 'greenhouse' or 'polyhouse' refers to the use of plastic films or sheeting. ... The shape and design of the structure influences:. the amount of light transmitted.

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