You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 241 - 250 of 1,007

  1. Comparing feed options - maize silage is often cheaper

    Buying feed at the right price is the process of valuing feed based on its energy and protein content. ... A buyer should carefully check their costs and returns to ensure the price is warranted.

  2. Why phosphorus is important

    However, it becomes less available to plants if the surface soil dries out. ... This is the most usual reason for non-response in well-farmed land.

  3. Further information about the Alkaloid Poppy Licence Manual

    There are strict licence conditions that cultivators and processors must comply with to protect the community and maintain the integrity of the industry. ... Further information around cultivation of alkaloid poppies can be found in the Alkaloid Poppy

  4. Azuki beans: irrigated planting guide 2004-2005

    Azuki beans: irrigated planting guide 2004-2005. Summary. Producing high yielding crops of premium quality azuki beans (Vigna angularis) for the Japanese and other Asian markets involves paying careful attention to ... This publication updates agronomic

  5. Using compost in macadamia orchards

    Using compost in macadamia orchards. Summary. Applying compost as mulch rather than incorporating it into the soil will greatly improve soil health and is an excellent way to obtain the benefits

  6. Atro

    of adaptation, sources of variability, species mixtures, and important issues related to animal health and the conservation of native vegetation. ... Main diseases. Rust is the most serious disease in Siratro (but a newly released variety Aztec has rust

  7. Mango growing

    Mango growing. Summary. This Agfact covers the following aspects of growing mangoes:.

  8. Bambatsi panic

    If sowing with lucerne, reduce competition  by cutting the sowing rate of lucerne to 0.75 kg/ha.

  9. Berseem clover

    Select varieties on the basis of:. Maturity. Disease resistance:Resistance to diseases may be important in your situation i.e. ... clover scorch, phytophthora root rot, pythium rot, leaf rust – check local requirements for the need for resistance.

  10. Persian clover

    450 mm (Southern NSW). Select varieties on the basis of:. Use pattern:Short-term or medium to long-term pasture or high density annual forage as outlined above. ... Disease resistance:Varieties differ in their resistance to disease. Check local

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