You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 261 - 270 of 1,007

  1. Bitter pit in apples

    Bitter pit in apples. Summary. Bitter pit is a nutritional disorder of apples caused by calcium deficiency in the fruit as it matures.

  2. Kikuyu

    Varieties. Select varieties on the basis of propagation method and tolerance to kikuyu yellows. ... Additional tips. Quality, rather than bulk, is the key to high animal production from kikuyu pastures.

  3. Molybdenum deficiency in plants

    Molybdenum deficiency in plants. Summary. This Agfact contains information about the following aspects of the nutrient molybdenum (Mo) in plants:.

  4. Ventilation in greenhouses

    The movement of hot air up and out of the roof vents, pulls in cooler air. ... Vents. Passive ventilation uses openings (vents) which naturally draw air through the greenhouse.

  5. Purple wiregrass

    Seedhead is a purple coloured, spike-like panicle to 30cm long, with the branches loosely pressed against the  main axis. ... Wiry panics (Entolasia species) are very similar vegetatively, but the seeds lack awns.

  6. Variability of quality traits in canola seed, oil and meal - a review

    Summary. Canola is the third largest crop after wheat and barley and is widely grown in south east Australia and Western Australia. ... Production has increased from about 100, 000 tonnes in the early 1990's to more than four million tonnes annually.

  7. Light in the greenhouse

    Light in the greenhouse. Summary. This Agnote provides information about measuring light and light energy. ... It also covers:. light transmission,. light quality,. light intensity and. light levels in the greenhouse.

  8. Useful resources

    DPI Water is responsible for the management of the state's surface water and groundwater resources. ... The New South Wales Irrigators Council supports the development and growth of sustainable irrigated agriculture.

  9. Economics of pasture improvement in the western wheat belt

    Economics of pasture improvement in the western wheat belt. Summary. The economics of pasture improvement are much more complex than analysing a cropping enterprise because there are more variables, numerous scenarios, ... Maximising profitability is

  10. Irrigation and moisture monitoring in blueberries

    Irrigation and moisture monitoring in blueberries. Summary. The aim of this manual is to provide blueberry growers with practical information in order to manage irrigation and soil moisture more effectively in

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